
I definitely will. A lot of us Americans are actually a bunch of foreigners that made this country our home, and we don't get to see a lot of rugby, cricket, soccer, or whatever we left behind anymore.

Awesome comment, short, precise and perfect.

Is the paddle shifter cross-mounted so that pull on right is push on left? That would explain how he can cycle both ways with one hand, I think...

Oh that was naughty. But nice! Very nice!

I so despise this continuous urge to climb on the so-called "green" bandwagon, it's so pathetic. F1 cars change KERS batteries every race, how the hell is that possibly green?

I feel really bad for him. He's gotta be something of a jalop, having a Mustang 5.0 in the first place. I'm also guessing that this fella may have just lost everything, so it's like @formuladave said, if the only one thing fate leaves you is the chance to save something of what you had, then WTF, that's what you'll

And all of us in New Jersey say YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS PLEAASSEEE we want F1 and we want it now! I mean seriously, Austin? How much further out could you go? Apparently they didn't allow them to use to the Grand Canyon... (*ducks*)

Prime candidate for the GasMatch party...

Yessssssss please!

@A Model Economist

Heep... OMFG that's exactly it. I will echo moefosho and never be able to un-see this. Love it

Alfa Romeo. I always loved these... The GTV's also had a beautiful wheel.

The front end of the previous model - like it or not - made a statement and was instantly recognizable, even if the rear end was an apparent afterthought.


Hallelujah, they actually got it to look more like the original beetle!

Sometimes I say "awful" when I mean "awesome", and visa-versa... Today, I'm in a loop.


Well said, you exactly evoked, and articulated, the meaning of STP for me.