
Agree about the Legend. I like the CL too - I always wanted to upgrade my '99 3.0 CL to the new CL, but eventually never got up the gumption to spend mo' money. I had that CL for 10 years, loved the hell out of it. Most reliable car I ever had. Until missus pinballed it between the guardrails off black ice... *sob*


Well done Swine. Insightful, perfect comment of forever, not just the day. Every one before and after will pale in comparison. You managed to perfectly articulate what is always on this petrol/gear-heads mind.

Coming up...

Are the rear wheels off the ground?

Excellent story, well written, thank you for the insight.

I cracked up at this joke and how fugly it is. Then, I realized how much it looks like the Toyota Solara, which is actually a real actual production real actual car.

Beautiful... that is so wicked fast

@Renescent: Me too - was a major surprise.

Great stuff!


Thus far. I hope this will be a trend to be continued, I can't wait to see La Rascasse in yellow number 5

It's tough for everyone who crashed/messed up/whatever, but it's REALLY good to see a driver make it to the podium for the first time, and to experience first-hand and be part of the heretofore-thought "exalted company" that they only normally watch on TV, expounding about the race. I think it can only drive them to

No - I'm with you on this one. I think it's obvious, to say the least.

55MPH @ 4K revs? Must sound awful! And why the gloves, is it really manual, or are they hiding the auto-shifter on purpose?

@mantaTM: I saw what you did there, well played...

A senseless juxtaposition indeed

So, OK, it's a stretch, but it is about someone DRIVING - granted, not very well, and not for very long. But then, even better, she had her crack up, errr... I mean she had crack up her... ummm... I mean, she cracked up with the crack up, so to speak.

Confucius say... Woman who crash upside down have crack up!

The word "car". Oh wait - that's debatable too