
I reconsidered - I take back my earlier post, you can come back in. All in all, this is a pretty damn Jalop thing to do, no matter how fugly it is. It even kinda looks at home hooning its way up the bank, at least more so than it looks on the street. I enjoyed the video production too - laughed out loud at the 'moment

Surely you can't be serious.

If he ever crashes that thing, someone will be able to start a reclamation business around it.

@Jared Glentz: Thanks for the monster laugh - that was hilarious

@Eriamjh: Nah - a coal-scuttle is like an elongated bucket, just like the convertible body. It kind of twists if you apply differential pressure to it between front and back. Although I said "terrible" it was actually only a little, but once you see or feel it, it's ALL you can see.

Happy New Year to all of you Jalops!

I did love my '95 convertible, I must admit. It had a terrible coal-scuttle body shake over bumpy roads, but that was all the more reason to avoid them. Had to eventually trade up because of that, though....

Did he have to drop the rear view mirror any to clear the dials moved up to the roof? Maybe put it on a thicker pad?

@Brownstar: You have good taste in cars.

VW Caravelle 2.5i.

Reminds me, a little bit, of Ruben.

@ccc40821: I can't tear myself away from this one...

This is what happens when you use Ferrari red without a license and without paying royalties.

Chopper: It had 3 GEARS!

This is cool - but would it have had the same magical twin-engine drone as a DC-3, and would it have been as much fun to hear it synchronizing?

Yo, dawg, I heard you paid too much for an '06 so I threw your name in the hat for this one so you can still pimp while the IRS has you limp