
@brandegee: Best comment and accompanying photo I've ever seen, bar none. Well done. At 48 I tend to think I've seen a lot but this made me laugh the fuck out loud. Heart-click!

Yo, dawg, I heard you paid too much for an '06 so I threw your name in the hat for this one so you can still pimp while the IRS has you limp

Matt, you meant a "1986 Range Rover you bought for $2,230" in total right?

The SAAB is the one. But, back to earth: Hollywood's gonna go all PC on us and use a goddamn Prius or some such.

@Incoherent_ramblings_of_a_madm...: SECONDED!!!@

I like the idea of the Corvair STi, but WTF is a "flat-for"?

Dyn-O-Mated? Should be Dyn-O-Mited. Not only is it 11 years old but it's meant to be used OFF-ROAD!

@All_Thumbs: Ditto on the eye bleach, that is awful

@FastForward: Wait wait wait - I want to take that back, it's like putting a cheetah in a cage. The poor thing will never be able to breathe hard again! PUT IT BACK!

@softbatch7236: Damn, every time you all redirect me to youtube to watch aircraft engine porn it takes me for-f*#kin-ever to get out... but I always get out with a large smile on my face :^)

Picture 5 (#7): ZOOM! ENHANCE!

@Scoutdude: Yeah, it's just advertising blurb, but I like the idea of not being hounded at that speed. Years ago we used to drive from Johannesburg to Cape Town and for very long stretches there were no traffic cops and you could pretty much floor it. We averaged 140KPH - about 85MPH on the whole trip (14 hours) but

"Cruising 85 miles an hour on the open road" *SIGH* Longs for the days when you could do it legally...

THIS is what it looks like when something goes to 11.