
@Slackslider: The cupholders are walking around in the galley behind the cockpit...

It looks awful. Crack-pipe

@DeadBuick: Not me on the Volvo shoulders, that's Nytmare's. I was so busy agreeing and ranting on the grill treatments I didn't even see that part of the post...

@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: Pillars not so thin, but both my Ford Cortinas had nice proud greenhouses.... Pictured is the bronze XR6

@Nytmare: Dunno what's going on with the picture being re-posted...

@Nytmare: Agreed, oh SO agreed.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates it. When the previous design was first released I though it was stunning, and pined for one.

@monkeyspunk79: Weird that it had such an odd name here. In South Africa we had a homologation version for local Group N racing, the Sierra XR8 which had a Mustang V8 instead of the trusty ol' Essex V6. Here's a CAR magazine test drive from the day:

@FastForward: The mags weren't the best, I replaced them later

One of my favorites was my XR6

Oh. UGH. So bland, so sorry...

All the charts cite "Lengh". I am sad that this distracted me from the story.

Matt wins.

@FodderTheSane: Helped these to what? Or did you mean help these, too?

Need to run with high-downforce-producing mower blades - and up the cornering speeds! YEAH!

As a South African - I approve this message. These cops take no crap.

My immediate reaction before reading anything was Corvette. After reading, I have to agree to include Cadillac.