
HBO was willing to pony up all the money the show needed to made right. The network wanted to finance full length seasons. It was Weiss and Benioff who’d come down with a massive case of senioritis and decided to phone it in so that they could move on to other projects like Confederacy and Star Wars. I thought this

I wasn’t mad at the finale. Just disappointed and confused. They rushed through things so fast, it was like “wait. What?” A lot of things seemed odd. In a hyper masculine and militaristic culture that values physical strength, Bran, the teenage cripple, who talks in riddles and spends his days by a tree living in the

I’m thoroughly enjoying that while most pissing contest posts get dozens of responses within the first few minutes, this post has been up for 2 hours and only has 7 comments on it. I guess no one wants to own up to being an asshole.

Sometimes I get that “I’m a bad friend” feeling when I don’t return someones call for a long time, or I forget a birthday, etc. Then I remember . . . there are people like this woman in the world . . . and I realize that I am doing okay. 

This is a story about how a friend pettily betrayed me.

When I was in my mid 20s, my best friend from highschool who had some codependency issues got married to this military guy I didn’t really know that well. She is kind of a loud mouth, and he is very, very quiet, so the few times I hung out with him he said literally nothing to me. When she got engaged, she asked me to

Oh, seconded, Jujy! Drew’s piece about how his dog licking itself sounded like somebody stirring a pot of macaroni and cheese made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair. And now, whenever she is particularly going at it, the hubby and I just turn to each other and say “the dog is stirring the mac and cheese

Jesus, Drew, she fucking farted. Be a goddamn gentleman for once.

Re: Walking,

God this is so eerily similar to what happened to me, same injury, generally same set of circumstances (had been drinking but not overly so), same general consequence. Thank you for sharing this experience. It brings me back to that scary time but it’s also oddly cathartic for someone to go through something so

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

Oh my fucking god, Drew! I’m so sorry that you went through that and I’m so fucking happy you’re alive! To share I went through something milder than that last year. I had 3-4 episodes where I was shaking badly. One time when I was going to work and it was so bad I couldn’t put the lid on my coffee; a stranger had to

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

Roe v. Wade will be overturned. The only question is whether it will happen before election day in 2020 or after it (in a purely political move).

Er, actually I think the errant nature of Melisandre’s prophecies are really a microcosm of the problem of the show as a whole: phenomenal acting talent, frequently wonderful writing on a scene-by-scene basis, but tied to writers who never really got a handle on how to use characterization and narrative set-ups to

No. That assumes the hospital has a financial or legal motivation; the reason more black mothers die is because of racism.

Electability is a developing code word for “no women; no blacks, no gays; no socialists.”

Fuck this concept in the ear with the sharpest dick. Same goes for Alyssa Milano’s hot take.

I read earlier (link) that up to 40% of American women get NO post-partum check-up with a healthcare professional. Which is horrific, and probably accounts for a lot of those post-natal deaths.