
"'Girl in the Flower Dress' - An elusive girl in a flower dress may hold the key to the mystery that brings a young Miskatonic University professor and team to a secluded seaside town to rescue a young man with an unusual and dangerous power; but the landlady of the inn has a secret that jeopardizes her relationship

You had me until Midi-Chlorians, because as we all know, Midi-Chlorians DON'T EXIST!!! They are all part of the same delusion that contained Jar Jar Binks...

You're just an afterbirth Skywalker... slithered out on your mother's filth... They should have put you in a plasteel jar on the command deck...

In an earlier article they mentioned the boxes attached to the side, that they used to pull it over by filling the boxes with seawater. Now that it's righted, they will attach more boxes to the other side, then pump out the water, thus floating the boat back up. At that point, they will most likely make necessary hull

The Long Kiss Goodnight has become a cult classic. Thelma and Louise was more of a drama, but definitely had a lot of action and it made bank and was well received.

BTW Star Trek for da WIN!

Or so the kid says. There's a lot of context missing here. I'm not saying the teacher is right, or the student is right. But this video gives you none of what leads up to this outburst. All you get is the student mouthing off. Maybe he's exaggerating. Maybe he's missing the point of the work that he apparently is

I have one word to say about this movie in its entirety.


But wow, this is incredibly bad. Incredibly bad.

Main character's name is Mary. The depth of this symbolism is bringing tears to my eyes. I haven't been so moved by the depth of a story since that last time my friend posted on fb how they couldn't find seats at the cafeteria. I swear, this has turned me off feminism and I will henceforth abandon all foolish pursuits

There were more in Citizen Kane , but the movie was rewritten, for example 'Rosebud' wasn't always a sled.

"The last EIGHT years of medical school..." ?!?!

There's no such thing as a gratuitous butt shot. They're all essential.

I'll bring the mimosas and tampons!

I someone or multiple people maybe telling me that Ayn Rand was one of the greatest writers/thinkers ever. It was probably high school in high school, but I can't remember now. I had no idea who she was and was certainly not familiar with her philosophy. Eventually, I read The Fountainhead because I remembered

No Cuntry for Any Men

Perhaps it's the movie adaptation of this:

Mine is 'Female persuasion....it is more powerful than you realise'...

I, for one, welcome our new lady overlords (overladies?) ¬_¬