
I hear you on that, a number of people in my family have to take that stuff, and whilst it is doign it's job, it's a pain in the arse having to keep adjusting the dosage, getting re-tested etc.

The Other

Ain't that the truth. I think I've gotten the space ending once or twice, but that was forced if only so I could see the ending cinematic with a giant spaceship...

You know the worst part about this? I wore my remarkably gaudy NASA hawaiian shirt to work to mark the occasion, and as a shirt of this magnificence should, it attracted questions...

There was an article recently detailing the fact that Hulu had just signed a number of ongoing content deals. Although Hulu is owned by the content providers at the moment, it is a seperate entity and so needed licensing deals in place to operate, those deals won't magically disappear when it's sold.

Excellent, I shall look for it on Netflix then, mind you 90 days? If it does show up for purchase elsewhere before then, consider it bought (Unless it's iTunes, I might be able to wait 90 days to avoid iTunes)

We have those too! Isn't technology brilliant!

Oh this is typical, I had a question regarding Torchwood yesterday, and thought I'd just wait till this mornings spoilers to ask it, as that's a good place to do that kind of thing, and what do you know, the first spoilers in ages that doesn't have any Torchwood spoilers......

Red Label, standing by

I hope it is released to the web as well, otherwise I'm going to miss out, and will be most sad.

OK - So Torchwood - Web of lies.... Is that just going to be an iOS thing? Are they limiting that extra content purly to those people that have bitten into the big apple?

You know, as embarrasing as it is, I didn't even realise I could toggle the star on someone. Now that you've pointed it out, it's like a big red button with 'Do Not Push' written underneath it....

Doctor Whos schedule may be a little confusing at the moment, but the fact of the matter is, and the thing you need to stay focused on, is that there will be another season, when it airs is irrelivant (provided I'm still alive to see it of course, that would be annoying if a freak bus accident stopped me seeing it)

I clicked because I love the wallpaper behind her..

You had me up until 'These family dynamics...blah, blah, blah.....'

That's kind of my point, the longer BB keep to their own hardware, the better the competition gets.

My personal take on RIM is that they've lost the hardware battle, but if they're smart, they can still win the mobile e-mail war.

I just wanted to say, that even if it turns out to be bogus, merely putting the idea of a Pratchett penned Dr Who episode into my mind has made my day.

They have worked together before (Good Omens. Awesome book!) so a joint two-parter wouldn't be altogether impossible to hope for :-)