
“Have some respect for the office if not the man!”

It seems like a come on gone bad and that Takei backed right off. And the whole I’m not attracted to Asian men gives it a different vibe.

Back in my day if you flipped your bat you or your buddy would have gotten a fastball in the ribs. In today’s pansy ass, crybaby world Baez would have been out 6 weeks for a rib contusion and Amir would have been fined so he did the next best thing. Show up the show off. Why is it these wimpy ass punks think they

Nobody in the goddamned room will challenge anything they say because they don’t want to be sent to their rooms like a pouty teenager.

Fuck me, I want this shit to end already. He was in Florida to campaign for his fellow pedophile/sexual predator, ffs. He’s a pathological liar who has never apologized once in his pathetic fucking life, yet he has the balls to call other people out when they make a mistake.

Yes, Clinton and Sanders are much, much better than Trump. Correct.

Things got really tense when both vehicles wound up in line at a nearby Checkers.

“What do you want to be when you grow up lil Johnny?”

It does feel like Nathan wants to write for deadspin instead. But Totilo is such a terrible editor that he lets his friends write about whatever they want on kotaku.

Now playing

Now THERE’S A film. (see also: how to get ahead in advertising)

12 year old girls*

His success really boils down to his appealing to the lowest common denominator. And 12 year old boys. They’re rampant on Youtube.

“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”

I give you props for this. Nay — Jello Pudding Props.

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Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy always had the moral high ground.


As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.