
John Corbett has an excellent wig game. And, yes, have seen Corbett without it. Total chrome dome.

....The director knows its a team that goes on suicide missions, not a team from Suicide Girls, right?


This design is way too on the nose. One of the best things about the Joker was that even tho he was completely insane and over the top, his reasoning’s for doing what he did were the most subtle out of all the Batman villains.

Hi, Mrs. Machado! Your son is still a huge douchenozzle.

Jesus fucking christ he’s fucking 5’11!” That’s not fucking short!

OTL might be the only thing worth watching on that network that isn’t an actual sporting event.

Reason #1 why the DH rule in the American League is ridiculous. Pitchers can get away with this crap without ever having to face retaliation.

I’d say that about Samardzija... A high-level D1 football player probably isn’t the weakest guy on a baseball field.

You do 15 sets of weights in 15-20 min? You realize you aren’t even allowing your body to break down its glycogen stores between each set then right?

HAHAHAHAH Yes! Those poor millionaire producers!! Let’s laugh at them while they count their Smurfs money.

Did you read what I wrote?! I am not blasting her! I am WORSHIPPING HER.

This film and this scene had such a tremendous impact on me. I saw it in the theater first run when I was just on the brink of a calamitous first year of college, completely paralyzed by depression, moved home and felt like a failure and thought about dropping out of school entirely. After the movie I sobbed out in

Yes, that was particularly hard to hear. You gave us SO MUCH, man. Why couldn't we give you something back to help you heal this pain? But that's not how it works. You can't make people struggling with those issues "happy." That's the frustrating, heartbreaking part.

Hawke hit the nail on the head when he articulated the sadness that other people couldn't make Williams happy - even though he made the people around him happy. This has been bothering me but I didn't know how to express it.

Step One in the abuser's playbook is to isolate the victim. (I almost said "his victim," but it's also VERY possible for a man to be the abused person in a dysfunctional relationship. See, once you've cut off someone, they have no support group. No peers. No one to run to.

Between this and some other recent events, I'm starting to have minor doubts about Roger Goodell's abilities.

This commenter is the worst/strangest/most amazing creature. "Damn I don't like u but my heart goes out too u but Saturday night hope u lose." Anti-choice, anti-Mayweather, anti-grammar, anti-spelling. ANTI-EVERYTHING.

Sure, many people smoke pot, but that doesn't mean everyone should. Some people have effects like what you mention.