
It was a one-sided hit piece. But what i expected to read here today. We all need to be better than this. Mccain stood for bipartisanship and respect for your opponent. You need to realize that and realize how imporant that is right now. ALl this other stuff is nonsesne and why foxnews thrives. Because we cant get our

Ugh. Save dumb shit like this. You are just as bad as a maga 

If Rogen wants it renewed, im sure it is renewed. Noone in show-business is pissing him off right now.

Those comics were so good. But - This show is just a show.

Ugh. Dude. You look like a hipster who never worked a day in his life and you wrote a long ass column criticizing a guy who was in a POW camp.

I liked and respected her. Figures she couldnt last at that soul sucking douchebag-machine.

#1 ranked junior for many years

-and absurdly overpriced, and a DH on a bad team that struggles for waisting the resources on signing him.

get a life

Who cares?

What? Of course it is bad.

Stop writing and re-writing the same article. Or hire someone that has an actual educated opinion about baseball. I’m sure there are 25 wanna bee Sam Millers in every pressbox.

He is a politics reporter for the New York Times. Yeah, you are right. Probably a fluke.

WHat planet are you people living on? The NYT is the paper of record.

That is because he is awesome at his job.

DrHorrible was fantastic. I dont think much of you.

This song couldnt be any less inspiring

HE was driving around with a gun last time the cop saw him. Looks like normal police work.

Great - thanks for saying what you thought would be favorably received.

Ok AAron