
Lol. Are you serious?

You made something cool lame. That bothers me too. Everything in moderation.

this would be interesting if i followed the world of sound mixing in television. Since i dont, its like telling me arod's batting average on fly balls to left field is .400....that sounds great, but compared to what?

Comedy is an acquired taste. I encourage you to acquire it.

he is far more brave then you

He's right. And people WILL respect female sports reporters more... when they stop being so damn hot. Seriously, one automatically thinks a woman sports reporter got the job because she is hot (when they are hot that is), and one thinks oh well she must know what shes talking about (when they are not hot). See oh i

fuck that he sucks

large muscular men who are famous for making that thumb cutting the throat gesture arent the best husbands

no joke. Pam oliver has always been a great presence on those broadcasts. She reeks credibility.

i think a good lawyer could prove that he is out of his mind.

Also, 'defending your life' is one of the best movies i have ever seen.

the one thing everyone has said about Silver is that he is exactly like Stern. Noone i ever read or heard said he was different.

she wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire so dont feel like such a dick. She is the hot.

has anyone pointed out that his girlfriend isnt a wallet thats just his to get?

It scares you? Because of your being married to Baez and wanting to get that oceanfront property, or because being the gm, being his player agent, being a major percentage owner of the cubs and having bet the farm on them winning it all next year? No? Well then, it shouldnt SCARE you.

what do you mean his 'game of thrones moment'?

this fuckin clown is a huge fan of more teams than a 5 year old. Pick a team calvin!

Michael Floyd. Literally noone sees Larry fitzgerald as all by himself. Evry nfl fan jnows about Floyd. Do you guys have editors?

Since i dont work for ESPN i'm going to go ahead and ignore little league on tv, as i have no family members playing, and i dont care to exploit these kids any further.

billy beane doesnt draft. He hires the guy who drafts.