
evocative made me laugh

cant wait for that film adaptation of what is basically a film.

Ufc<every single other thing besides current-popular-music

looks like a batting cage bro

i doubt anyone has better taste than I.


can we get two different internets? 1 for people who think donald glover and adult swim and community are funny...and 1 for everyone else?

He was never even close to being as good as vince vaughn.

'seeing ear theatre'

loading up another archer? Sad comment. But good movie review otherwise.


inside a minor league clubhouse any number of 'things' are said about 'things'...so just make up anything and say it was overheard in a minor league clubhouse. Hard news.

yeah that quote probably didnt happen if you cant come up with a real source.

should have done the world a favor and dropped a bomb on them. Worse than isis.

you're a disgrace.

These movies are terrible. What are you 12 years old?

even less interesting


you and your girlfriend arent interesting

They should fuck themselves.