Is chris berman STILL alive?
Is chris berman STILL alive?
Poker would suit johnny manziel very well.
Stop giving her attention.
I have no sympathy for pokerplayers in any way. They spend their life sitting on their asses making decisions that benefit only them, playing with real money like it is fake money, while the worlds real problems continue on. They contribute absolutely nothing and turn kids who could contribute into selfish pieces of…
He handled it like a man.
I seriously doubt that
0-for- every shitty attempt at a joke in here
He has not had a bad year. Noone cares about wins and losses.
Us? Wow what an honor to have one of the nationals here in the forums.
Guy is being too sensistive.
Plus really good insurance and benefits. Dont feel sorry for him.
Give up. You arent funny.
Im hungry
Ah who cares? Every descriptor you can possibly think of has been used to death and then used again.
Everything he does is right there on the page. Millions of actors could play it just as assholish as him. Sorry.
Cannot wait to see him get killed.
Looks like shit to have these players' kids wondering around the field anyway. Im very comfortable with this result.
Hulk smash
Or gains 1?