
more like 60% of them

Oh I see.

This is an awesome idea.

Um, they're Scottish.

The bigger story today is Shaktar Donetsk beating the villainous Chelsea FC.


The guy's just super drunk.

Good thing that's not what's happening here!

What do you even mean by sentimentalized? Should we not have feelings about childhood or disability? Idiot.

"Windsor's story is a heartbreaking one. In 1967, she became engaged to Thea Clara Spyer, and in 2007, the pair wed in Canada. Two years later, in 2009, Spyer died and left all of her property to Windsor. But because Windsor and Spyer's marriage wasn't legally recognized on the federal level, Windsor was stuck with a

Fuck the yankees.

Not to in any way defend the voracious money gobbling greed monster that is the NFL, but the numbers in this report is more than a little unclear. Is the NFL donating 5% of profits or 5% of revenue? If the former, that's outrageous. If the latter, we don't have enough information to say that the NFL is profiting from

OF COURSE Kobe Bryant is a Yankees fan. Blech.

wholly shit Tom Ley's ears must be burning right now


I hate when professional writers substitute "cache" for "cachet." How about a [sic], Gawkerspin?

This is hardly a Jeffrey Maier.

This is a terrible recipe. Here is a much better one that's probably easier: http://www.rickbayless.com/recipe/view?recipeID=54

It doesn't matter! Seattle won the game. The refs made a bad call, but the issue is settled.

Right — an OL who starts every game of his rookie season is a pretty good 2d round pick.