
This doesn't really seem all that bad.


oh settle down, it's just a silly post about a silly thing said by a silly man who has lost a lot of elections.

*heavy sigh*

one reason among many is that the stupid thing you brought up apparently happened over two years ago


Where do you freakshows get this stuff? Who cares?

You guys are so mean to Flubber Jones.

Would smash.

This piece presents literally zero evidence that there's anything wrong with letting a child taste alcohol. It also offers no evidence that the "cool parents" thing doesn't work. All it does is present some opinions and recommendations of professionals who themselves cite no relevant studies.

He should stop drinking footballahol; it appears to be impairing his ability to throw a pass.

I am also interested in purchasing an iBrick

Do you think, long term, that Notre Dame can continue to command big money on TV and bowl appearances without fully committing to a conference? The program seems to be in a prolonged period of steady decline.

It always seemed to me that the logical thing for Notre Dame to do is join the Big Ten. Why didn't that ever happen?

you obviously never saw Revenge of the Nerds.

and if girls throw with a "dart-throwing" action, they would have the advantage over backwards rock-throwing cavemen. The End of Men, ca. 500,000 B.C.

better at throwing rocks —> more food —> wommenz throwing their cave panties —> lots of cave children for our rock throwing hero.

Cool, but there was still a substantial difference in velocity. But that's a trivial finding — of course larger people with bigger muscles will be able to throw a ball faster.

This was rude.