
I sure hope that doesn't happen!

It's nice that BHO closed his eyes during the hug. Sincere.

The lamestream media has confused me: is Fluke pronounced "flook" or "fluck"?

In enjoyed the Hemmingway parody. Ha-ha!

How on earth has he not settled this lawsuit yet? Also, it's clearly his penis, otherwise he would deny the request for admission.

no problem — I spent like 4 hours nailing this down once for a project and there was a lot of really confusing misreporting out there, I think because of the desire of anti-choice groups to push back the viability line.

You're talking gestational age. The record is 23, 5 LMP which is 21, 5 gestation. James Elgin Gill and Frieda Mangold.

I think the record for survival is 23 weeks 5 days LMP.

This is what literally everyone who goes to vegas does.

Yeah, this one is the best.

"And if you listen carefully, you'll hear the women sighing a little bit more than the men. It's how it is, isn't it? It's the moms who have always had to work a little harder to make everything right. It's the mom's of this nation, single, married, widowed, who really hold the country together. We're the mothers.

Yeah but how rude is it to bring your kid to the bar and not get him anything to drink?

It's funny, if he said "the man" instead of "a man" nobody would have a problem.

The joke is that the guy appears to be so incompetent at soccer he must be an amateur with a "day job" unrelated to the sport — but we actually know that he's a professional soccer player.

As a dad, I am certain that the diaper commercial in which cartoon babies attempt to explode their diapers with massive poop blowouts and are then judged in an American Idol type competition is aimed at me (and also to my wife).

Well, it might be the case that male consumers of cleaning products also respond positively to ads depicting women using a cleaning product because they associate cleaning with "women's work" and thus would prefer the product that they assume women would use. It's like calling your mom to ask what kind of laundry

"Dr. Carter may have the right to turn away patients based on weight, but it seems like bad business."

She appears to be pretty drunk.

This is a brilliant concept. But the original article actually offers pretty decent advice about communicating effectively.

The fuck?