why are your kitchen shears so dirty that you can’t use them on food, as intended?
why are your kitchen shears so dirty that you can’t use them on food, as intended?
While I don’t have much sympathy regarding Sandberg or Facebook, I’m not sure how this is a big deal.
WTF are you on about?
Was it really that offensive that a movement needed to be started? If this is what people are putting their energy towards to try and help change the world for the better, I fear we are all doomed.
What the hell did I just read? :)
Like, remember auto-play videos that used to blare some stupidity into your eardrums for 30 seconds before you could even figure out what tab they were coming from?
I’m sorry, but this kind of crap is why Trump is president. You don’t get to gloss over history for it not being woke enough.
I enjoy that this takedown is on a site where if I keep scrolling past this article, the next article that comes up is sponsored product placement that is made up to look exactly like all other posts on the site. A+
Haters gonna hate.
I love Deadspin and I am and will always be Team Deadspin, particularly when it comes to Barstool.
Wow, losing the election really freed up Hillary Clinton’s artistic pursuits. You go, girl.
I can only imagine how difficult that would be for Ryan.
Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.
Does this mean that all the pain-in-the-ass, autoplaying “recent videos” that pop up all over the UniGawkerverse will go away?
A bounty program to help with the case... now thats a neat and inventive way to handle a bunch of tedious work.
PROTIP: you can take pictures upside down and the phone will still put them the right way
That goddamned notch is a an atrocity. It exceeds the Motorola flat tire by an order of magnitude
This explains why it’s no longer in my RSS feed daily. Well, this sucks.
This explains why it’s no longer in my RSS feed daily. Well, this sucks.
Ah... so that is why it doesn’t show up in my feed anymore. I guess dealcatcher.com, techbargains. com, and slickdeals.net will get the commissions on my purchases instead of kinja, since they still show up in my reader.
Ah... so that is why it doesn’t show up in my feed anymore. I guess dealcatcher.com, techbargains. com, and…