
Patraeus is no doubt a troll spilled over from Gawker.

Worthwhile or productive?? You apparently have never had a job. I audit balance sheets and pad partner's pockets. Worthwhile.... no it's getting by.

ummmm. Wow.

Is this a joke? Ironic?

You sound hangry.

My argument was against changing the length of the season.

I'm afraid my hands will be tied when it comes to the all-star game.

I couldn't agree more with that. But I actually do like having 2 wild card teams in each league.

I usually am able to catch or at least follow Ranger games. MLB has done a great job providing people with various ways to consume the games. I use to either watch, listen, or follow the games on gamecast. It is hard to slow down long enough to watch a game, and I don't think it was always like this in America.

I am biased of course, being a big baseball fan. I think the major problem now isn't the length of the season but the length of the GAMES. I would like to see MLB institute a few rules in order to get these pitchers to speed up.

Baseball revolves around a SERIES of games - 3 or 4 game. Think of it as about 50 different series instead of 162 games. Changing the structure would be turning your back on a ton of history as well.

PJ released 'animal' about 20 years ago. It was on one of the first CD's I ever bought. Good song - check out the album VS.