I don't like it simply because it doesn't make any sense in the universe that the game takes place in. the actual sights on these guns aren't for the Spartans to use, they're for use by the Marines who don't have power armor.
I don't like it simply because it doesn't make any sense in the universe that the game takes place in. the actual sights on these guns aren't for the Spartans to use, they're for use by the Marines who don't have power armor.
Truth. Say what you will about Nintendo, but at least I've never played a Mario game that required a Day One patch just to function.
Nintendo had a great year and everyone else had their fair share of flops, yet Nintendo is the one people love to attack as terrible.
"I thought the game was essentially a DinkleBot protection simulator."
I had super high hopes for PSNow....
Biggest disappointments of 2014?
2014 was a weird, wooly year for video games. The big new consoles were finding their feet, and most of the games we…
You know, I'm still surprised that this caused a controversy at all. I mean, how many civilians do people kill in GTA? Or in Saints Row? Or in Spec Ops? What makes this game any different? Or is this just creating a controversy because people are having as inconsistent of standards as Valve?
Destiny, a video game in which players roam the solar system getting angry at Destiny,
300 hours?! On one of the most halfassed games ever made?! That is insane.
I went to go visit my under ten year old brother the other day. He spent four hours watching a minecraft lets play series
I heard his high pitched voice once and just stayed far away. For all I know he could be great; never really gave him a chance. But I'm pretty confident I'm not missing out.
I've never watched Pewdiepie. I saw his picture once and determined I'll never want to know any more about that person. No regrets.
It's so trendy to bitch about Assassin's Creed, but you have to remember that every year they release a whole new game in a completely new setting with completely new characters, a full rich single player experience with side quests up the wazoo, and add several new mechanics that change how you play the game.
The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.
If this was right after AC2, I would be super excited for this.
They did a new IP, Watch Dogs. It was really boring.
"I'm ready for another next gen adventure!"
Been dying for this setting, but I was really hoping to see a female assassin for this one. Oh well, Ubisoft.