
For those complaining about the new Lightsaber, don't worry. That's just the Lightsaber in its Ban-Kai state.

To be fair, at least it would have been a big change of pace. Really, really mix things up. I bet there would be a hardcore group of fans who really enjoyed the new direction.

Movement is one area where Halo games always used to let me down. I'm slow and jump like I'm on the moon and everybody is a bullet sponge.

....Why are so many people recording themselves watching this?

Threats against peoples lives should never be taken lightly, it only takes one lunatic. Also with how bitterly toxic and unhinged people related to games have been this year, I really wouldn't take that as an empty threat.

He's such a child.. but to be honest, who would take that to be a "threat". To me, that isn't a threat. It's an empty threat.

I don't want to seem out of the loop but I still have no idea what gamergate and all this shit going on is about lol. Every time i try and research I just see people freaking out on both parties.

I bet he drops a blue.

I think you decoded that joke quite nicely.

what if the crytarch is secretly running some kind of loot pyramid scheme where he keeps the good stuff you bring him and gives you the garbage in return to secretly equip his hive army for battle so they can summon the true hive mind, Bobby Kotick...

A million deaths are not enough to make a purple engram drop.

Obviously he's the endgame boss

That's the weird thing! All of this is true, yet I still play.

One very important change to be listed: HUD cluttering. It's now fixed, and in the best way: entirely customizable. It takes a few minutes to setup but you can now tweak the opacity and overall visibility of everything on your hud, separated in categories like friends or foes.

Thats why you can mute people, I honestly don't see why voice communication had to be blocked from the beginning.

Am i the only one that hates the idea of games looking like real life?

As much as I enjoy pondering the behavior the loot cave inspires (and making jokes about it), I don't think much of the design decisions that led players to it. I think the existence of the loot cave as a phenomenon is an indictment of the game. (As I said in my review, and in the bit cited in this article.)

its because they waited until they actually played the game it was meant to be played before rushing a review out lol