
Nothing. This game is everything. This game is every game put into one game. It is also the universe. It can also support a family of 5.

Playing this game with an oculus will be amazing @_@

This game... cannot... wait....

A game where you struggle against physics and have to drive a whimsical vehicle?

Just give me a new Darksiders!

"Says a guy who never has to worry about being represented." The closest I get to being represented in terms of looks are fat parodies of gangster bosses and fat Jonah Hill. The closest I get to being represented in terms of personality is probably...a combination of two of the girls from My Little Pony (don't judge

totally agree.

It's a video game... it's not a government election. Why the fuck do you care if a game "represents" you or not? If you want to be represented, then make your own game and write your own story. Because it's insane to expect a game developer to cater specifically to you. If all games about white men ceased to

Pretty much every movement in art does exactly that on a generational basis. And all art is subject to bias, prejudice, and valid criticism. I recommend reading some art history.

Really? I thought the image was being used to mock Ubisoft's inability to explain themselves or deal with women.

Therefore I would have a much less of an enjoyable experience playing a random MMORPG as a(n) elf/dwarf/tauren/orc/charr/sylvari/put random obsurce non-human race here, than playing as a human character that looks like me? I don't understand this.

Actually, people do that with art all the time. Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel was censored by the pope, music has been censored and banned time after time, and film has been changed based upon the word of producers, audiences, etc.

Games with interchangeable main character usually have weaker storyline. Just sayin'...

Change it unreal engine 4 is $20 a month. Go out there and change it! My bad you would actually have to do something more than comment on a gaming article.

As a lady-gamer (yes i am game yes i play girl) it might be nice to play a few more ladies! Tomb raider and lolly pop chainsaw get a bit drab (TR is great tho) I don't mind the males, but I can understand that the largest market for games are boys, and to appease the market making male characters is the easiest and

Oh spare us. Get off the white knight express. Not having a female playable character in an Assassin's Creed game is a NON ISSUE, end of story.

I don't know about you, but if the company I worked for was having a PR disaster like this I wouldn't answer any questions about it either.

Am I missing why Kotaku is trying to tell me that is a huge deal? Is this really such a civil rights problem that in the kind of story that Assassin's Creed runs with in the times of history that they go through, that there isn't a major female protagonist? You don't need to shoehorn every group into something for

I don't know....Saying stuff like 'fuck ubisuck', to me, is meaningless. I think they're one of the better publishers around. But yes, this is a giant, awkward misstep. They could've handled this much better.