*whew* i mean, oh darn!
*whew* i mean, oh darn!
Don't worry, I was turned down when I pitched it.
This is really cute Mark, it made my evening, which given how i started out my day was a nice change. :) But i'm sure that just around the corner you're going to cover this story and creep/scare us all out at -_-
After a Reno, Nevada bakery started making cronuts (and calling them that), they received a cease-and-desist letter…
I am feeling Kiesza. I'm sure everyone has already watched this video, but it's charming and impressive so ¡harrumph! Some of the jams on her album are making me daydream about being a NYC club kid 25 years ago. And her voice is pretty perfect. The ballad version of "What is Love" is a clever little truffle.
You're assuming I care what color the food was at any point/that I have any regard for my own well-being. That is perhaps an unwise assumption.
Nah, the pink slime is the McNuggets. The McRib is more of an off-grey/green.
I just watched the micro-penis episode of New Girl, so I'd like to say that we all have micro-penises. They may not be physical, but they are all there. My micro-penis is that I never finished college. This is not a serious comment for everyone boiling with rage right now.
Something you should mention. When buying online from Expedia, Priceline, etc. (this probably includes most airlines sites themselves), always turn on private browsing (or delete cookies).
The UW-Madison creative writing department is repping strong on Jez today.
More than once with both my first (divorce) and second (deceased) husbands, movies we went to were too much for me. I can do violence but not gore and I have a gross limit that's fairly easily reached. When it happened that the movie was too much for me I either waited in the lobby or just left and found something…
Thanks. I didn't want to spend any time defending my relationship because what I wrote can be interpreted in different ways, but I was surprised that so few people mentioned that Allen could have left at any time. He is an adult with both agency and the only car in the relationship. I could have been taking the bus…
Seems Mark knows where the boundaries are and this was within them. They've been together 6 years - don't you think he understands just a little bit what the acceptable boundaries are?
He does! After seeing the movie he still came to my friend's party the same night and watched me tell jokes.
It had to happen sooner or later: someone has finally stood up and very publicly said "no, fuck YOU" to the…
I'd like to add my welcome to that of QotF, since we are Olds ... I'm sure I'm older than she, not that it matters. (I've often wondered this: Am I possibly the oldest around? I'll be 69 next month. Again, it doesn't really matter, but I'll surely invent some sort of cachet to assume if I'm The Oldest One Here.)
I know this one, I know this one!!! Mr. Clean makes a Magic Eraser mop that's great for getting smudges and such off of hard-to-reach places. You can also make what I like to call a "swabbing tool" but rubberband-ing a rag over the bristles of a broom. Here's a video of me showing that technique and making a really…
Come on Kelly. You slackin'. Step it up!
Oh SHIT we forgot Rainbow Bright!!
Nothing for Rainbow Bright?!?! She's like the raddest bitch out there.