
Right back at you....

I was just going to reference the Yale Law backstory, which gets worse by the nanosecond. You pull out the judicial canon and throw it at his head like a brick.

A job interview for a lifetime appointment to the highest court on in the country at that. Which he is clearly not qualified for as he fails the ethics requirement on many levels.

Girls talk

Check out raw story's piece on Avenatti's latest tweets intimating that this story is just starting with Glassy. "More to come", he says.

Too late. If there’d been any adherence to procedural norms in these proceedings, Grassley and Hatch would’ve demanded the FBI investigation of the attempted rape allegations, which is so standard in a SCOTUS confirmation hearing that the two of them are on video saying so in the Clarence Thomas hearings ... instead

Most white people don’t actively fight to eradicate inequality and injustice because they usually benefit in some

All superheroes are white. Superman is white. Spider-Man is white. Batman is white. Wonder Woman is white.

A Creeker, eh?! :) I went to a tiny, evangelical, liberal arts college in Elgin. Many people went to Willow Creek. I may have gone once or twice. I remember being overwhelmed at the size, as a small town Iowa girl.

As an adult, I laugh and cry at the random, arbitrary characteristics that have been assigned to sexually active and celibate women. Being a straight A student is about as random as having black hair or a name with one syllable. None of it has any connection to sexual activity.

Ugh, preach. I am a Christian and I think Paul is BULLSHIT. SO MUCH BULLSHIT. Whenever one of Paul’s letters pops up in the liturgical calendar, I get so angry.

Jesus laid down rules about how you’re able to treat your slaves, including how badly you can beat them. So, not so nice after all.

Yup, it’s not fun to continue to disassociate with my Church and my culture, but it’s just not a safe place for women.

I’m with you, but I think if not for Paul, it would have been someone. You don’t intersect with Hellenism without picking up some of the trash of it. Hellenism runs through the history of Judaism and Christianity, intersecting and reacting with and against it. People raised in misogyny, etc. are not going to suddenly

Although my parents weren’t religious, they were terrified that my sister and I were going to have sex while we lived at home. My brothers, on the other hand, could travel halfway across the world because “boys are safe.” They convinced us our lives would be over if we had sex. My mother even went as far as to tell me

“...according to Joy, “At a certain point you’re almost putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. And that wound is the theology; that wound is the ideology.””

I was a missionary/volunteer in Romania for 2 years and that’s when I realized the nefarious power pyramid I was involved in: Missions wasn’t about helping people put food on their tables, but rather Americanizing them in the name of Christ. Making them like White American Christians. Keeping power in the traditional

Don’t forget, people also live to be 800 years old too! I have no idea why Evangelical types use the Old Testament as justification for their horrible beliefs when the “Christ” in Christian wasn’t even around until the New Testament, and pretty much contradicts all the old garbage.

This is an important movement. Dismantling the gross power structure in the Evangelical world is an absolute must. Not just for the well being of those in the movement (although that is the priority), but also taking steps in removing their current strangle hold on American politics.

The sexual abuse within the church is a feature, not a bug. Women are inherently inferior to men, and men own them sexually. Those beliefs, no matter how much they are couched in softer words, lead to abuse, period. Anyone who has read the bible knows that is not an accident, considering the book is full of slaves and