
Per Dan Savage: be careful who you scramble your DNA with.

I don't think he should lie about how much money he has or apologize for it, but I think someone needs to tell him that making a lot of money doesn't make you a good person. He seems to think that it's a selling point, like all those Benjamins can vouch for him or something. Any jackass with a couple of brain cells

Here's what I don't understand about this argument: if someone is trying to kill me, I have the right to defend myself. I don't have to just passively submit to being murdered. Even if my attacker has to be subdued through deadly force, I have the legal right to exercise that force to save my own life (right? They

Dear U.K.:

I didn't see the Dr. Phil episode, but all the media reports I've read just really hit my bullshit meter pretty hard. Really, there was nothing going on, nothing improper until—boom!—she's eighteen. You suddenly noticed her pretty much on her 18th birthday. Convenient, that. Also, this kind of age and power

If Ice-T and Coco break up, there is no hope for the rest of us. I mean, seriously.

I do remember that. It was a simpler, more dishonest time.

She's very warm in person as well. She came to my office when she was running in 2008 (I work for a newspaper) and spent quite a long time after giving her scheduled interview walking around to departments other than editorial, saying hello to everyone, discussing baby and family pictures on people's desks, joking

I remember seen a program on sled dogs where they said that the dogs do just poop while running. They also mentioned that the poos bounce when they hit the ground sometimes, so the guys on the sled need to be careful about getting hit with one of the little turd rockets.

Oh my god, seconded. I lived there for a very brief period of time and could not flee back to NH fast enough. Yikes!

Depends on where you are. The sparsely populated areas (north, west) are where the crazy has resided for a fairly long time (ah, Littleton). But the seacoast, the middle and a fair amount of the south are fairly progressive with a libertarian streak.

This article has me currently embroiled in a Facebook argument with a formerly sensible friend. Said formerly sensible friend enrolled in a Catholic university a few years ago for a theology degree and it appears he may have gone a little overboard on the kool-ade. When I suggested that you can either have less

Yeah, I used to be proud of NH, that we were a little conservative and a little gun happy, but for the most part just sensible folks. Then the 2010 elections happened and crazy won. I mean, our legislature was always a little crazy, but in a mostly harmless, goofy way. We had a guy who wore a cape and tried to pay

Oh, Fiona, you're adorable. But you know we're all just going to call it "The Idler Wheel...", right? Like, "When the Pawn..."? I will totally buy it, though, so you probably shouldn't care what I call it.

It says something that this is pretty much the only defense I've heard of Limbaugh's comments: "But liberals say mean things all the time!"

I feel like I remember a book back in maybe the early 90's about a girl named Giana or Giada who was born alive after a "botched" abortion. Apparently the girl lived. I feel like I remember something in that about saline abortions burning the fetus, and how she screamed when she saw a campfire for the first time

Okay, so here's the thing: calling someone a "Manila whore" or a "mashed up bag of meat with lipstick on it" is terrible, even when it's directed at someone who has said as many objectionable things as Michelle Malkin has. But the things that Rush Limbaugh said... it's really a whole other level. Colbert clipped

Re: Kirk Cameron: I'm with Dan Savage on this subject. Names and contact info for these alleged gays, or it didn't happen.

My husband's best friend has three kids — ages 6, 4 and 18 months — and their teeth break my heart. Every time they open their mouths, all you can see are cavities and I just feel terrible about how much pain each one of them probably represents. I had my first cavity when I was in my twenties and it was not a

In light of the fact that we have no idea how he behaves around LGBT people, we can kind of only go by what he says. And what he says is pretty objectionable.