
Ooh, that sounds painful.

There was much rearranging of relationships and he was uninvited from family events. Also, Claudia, Sarah and Laura's parents decided that paying for child care was better than leaving the kids with grandma and her child molester boyfriend. The grandmother and the boyfriend have broken up, but she's still mad at my

I'm hoping that they mean people driving through the stoplights, not sitting and waititng for the light to change. I, too, am not particularly concerned about texting at stop lights. I am more concerned about the young lady I saw go racing through a very red light, very nearly hitting a pedestrian, the whole time

My husband and I stumbled across the sex offender registry entry for his grandmother's boyfriend several years ago. She hadn't told anyone in the family that he was a convicted sex offender, and she definitely hadn't said anything about the fact that he pled guilty to molesting a child under the age of 13. When my

But all the good, judgy parts are at the beginning! Loving your neighbor as yourself and turning the other cheek and forgiveness and mercy and giving to the poor without making a big deal about it and being modest about your faith... that stuff's no fun! Now, let's go stone some slutty rape victims, shall we? Who's

Have you heard the version with Dean Martin and... someone else, I'm drawing a blank. It always made me laugh when he got to the "If you got pneumonia and died" line, because the way he sings it is just so upbeat and happy, you can't help but think, "Would you? Would you really be upset if I got pneumonia and died?

I thought maybe on the autism spectrum. Social cues clearly aren't his strong suit.

Shouldn't it tell you something about the maturity level of someone who tells a joke like that? It's not funny and it's not remotely smart. Do you really want someone who thinks that joke is funny running your country?

Thank you. I feel much better now.

Last year, I was talking to a gentleman from Louisiana. Somehow, our conversation got around to politics and he said, "You know, I've been a Republican since Reagan. And I voted for John McCain in 2008 because I thought that health insurance wasn't really a big problem for people. I had heard the statistics, but I

And hearted.

I read that as she posed in hot pants, then she posed in a bikini bottom, then she posed in a thong. I could be wrong, but wearing all three at once seems silly.

Absolutely. Some of the ehavior that is called "bullying" would be called "harrassment", "stalking", or "assault" in the adult world. Drawing a line at physical violence, saying in essence, "No. Not ever," would be a good start. I'm shocked that that's not a no-brainer. Although, I probably shouldn't be. When I

The Karma Sutra makes the same suggestion. The translation I read said that bull elephants should be with cow elephants, stallions should be with mares, and mice should be with lady mice. I get the point, but I'm pretty sure there's a whole bunch of people in between stallions and mice.

A friend of mine who was raised in a very conservative religious home has three daughters. She told me a couple of years ago (when her oldest was three) that if any of her daughters had sex before they were married, she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to speak to them again. It made me incredibly sad. Especially

The joke is, "Everybody wants an exception for rape, incest, and me." Some people, of course, just want the exception for "me".

I went to an Evangelical Christian high school. You would not believe how many girls wound up crying in the bathroom because of an "accident" and how often that "accident" "cleared itself up". Never underestimate humanity's capacity for hipocracy.

"Life", as in a baby who can survive inside the womb doesn't even begin at conception. My doctor said to me once, "When you realize all the things that have to go right for a fertilized egg to implant, you realize it's a wonder pregnancy happens at all."

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they loved the idea of couponing. Old rich people are frequently frugal in really weird ways.

That poor organist must have felt like he was playing Pachabel's Cannon forever.