
Citation please.

Also, affordable health care and child care. If the choice is between $500 now or $13,000 over the next nine months and then $500 a month after that, a lot of uninsured people are going to choose the former.

This kind of shit makes me want to go to nursing school and do nothing but care for ladies having abortions. Goddamn it. And I say that as someone who does not deal well with bodily fluids.

Probably this just illustrates my ignorance of the area, but it seems really strange to me that a country that elected a woman as president would be the same country that tolerated something like bride-kidnapping (which is really more like kidnapping, rape and then forced marriage).

I think a lot of people assume that rich people get better medical care, and so they know the latest medical information. Sometimes that's true, but sometimes rich, famous people are just nutters.

Also pregnant women, and not just because of the gestating fetus. Your immune system is compromised during pregnancy (it has to be, otherwise your immune system would kill the fetus), and the flu can be life threatening.

The linked article mentions that California had 2,100 cases of Whooping Cough last year and 10 infants died. I would really like to know how the parents of the unvaccinated kids explain to the parents of dead babies that it was just really important that their little Sophie not have her shots.

My is going to be 60 this year and he remembers a polio outbreak when he was a little kid. He remembers how panicked his mother was, and how she made all his siblings stay home from school (he was four at the time). This stuff is not that far in the past.

Until we actually know what causes autism, you can't decide that ANYTHING is ruled out, as there may be co-factors or side effects leading into the issue.

DVRing it now. Thanks for the tip.

I'm sure new construction is great, but I'm glad we bought in an established neighborhood for a couple of reasons. The house we bought was built in 1969 - the oldest house in the neighborhood was built in the 50's and the last house built was completed in the late 80's. What that means is that you get a nice mix of

I know! The crack babies - of the crack baby "epidemic" I remember hearing so much about in the early nineties - are fine. Like going to college fine, especially in cases where the parents got their act together or the kids were given up for adoption. After I read that, I decided freaking out about the few roast

Yes, please share the handle. I would like in on this fun!

A protest isn't peaceful when you start to break the law. If you want to do a protest, follow the law!

It was a group of students sitting in the middle of a road/walkway refusing to move when ordered. None of them were making threats verbally or physically - they were literally just sitting in the way. They could have been picked up, arrested and carted away. The police instead chose pepper spray (which,

Seen it stop an enraged, charging man cold in his tracks. This is the correct use of pepper spray. Protestors who could be moved by other means = incorrect use of pepper spray. Are you paying attention Lt. Pike? This will be on the test later.

I went to an Evangelical Christian university and every spring there would be a couple of letters to the editor in the school newspaper from some asshole dudes going on and on about how we ladies needed to be "mindful" of how men viewed our bodies and out of respect for "our brothers in Christ" we shouldn't wear

That's the kind of shit that gets people blocked in my Facebook feed.

Oh my god, are we related? That sounds like a big chunk of my family, too!

Shouldn't the $50 date night have gone to the least amorous couple? I mean, the most amorous couple, they can spend the night in and have a good time. Wouldn't you want to give the people who don't seem to be making it happen (in front of their whole congragation - wtf?) a little help?