
No kidding! The number one reason why I didn't change my name was that it seemed like a truly massive pain in the ass. Driver's license, credit cards, bank accounts, student loans, professional licenses, insurances and so on and so forth. And it seems like any time you have to make a change like that, there's a 60%

That's kind of the point of the article. People get all judgy-judge about people who don't change their name. They should stop that. And people shouldn't judge someone who does take their husband's name. Everybody's got their own reasons and it's none of anybody's business. I didn't change my last name (and I

Also that ladies don't appreciate having their lives mapped out for them. Who'da thunk it?

Oh my god, that sounds marvelous. I'm going to a cousin's wedding next Friday, and super conservative family is going to be there. I plan to use this. It will make the whole wedding much more fun.

My thoughts exactly.

Love letters suitable for framing and display must be boring. My love letters (emails) to Falconboy are absolutely filthy and shall never grace the walls of my home.

Thank you. I was trying to figure out who he was and I was too lazy to surf on over to IMDb.

These girls look quite a bit alike now (similar coloring, hair, size, height). They might've been pretty damn near identical when they were born. Plus, babies kind of all look alike when they first come out - wrinkly, slightly misshapen, a little alien.

Oh my goodness, that sounds amazing.

I've definitely added spinach, broccoli, onions, etc. to tomato sauce, run it all through a blender, and put it on top of spaghetti for when there are picky kids visiting. Gotta get the veggies in them somehow!

What did the mama buffalo say to the baby buffalo as he went off to school?

When I was trying to get pregnant, I was terrified of a false pregnancy because of Glee, and then in the first trimester I was terrified of an incompetent cervix because of Nip/Tuck. It wasn't until I actually started, y'know, looking into false pregnancies and incompetent cervixes (cervi?) that I discovered the way

Awful lotta men in that Concerned Women for America group. I call shenanigans.

Depressingly true.

Dear Mr. Henry - Did you know that you are allowed to put other vegetables on pizza? It's true! You know what's awesome? Broccoli and tomato pizza. You take a pizza crust, put the sauce and the cheese on like normal, and then you spread tomato slices all over it, and put frozen broccoli florets on top. Stick the

A Phillipina/Korean friend used to wear bright blue/almost violet contacts. I know she loved them, but I always thought it looked slightly creepy.

How does he think Sweden should have behaved? "Well, dear, you've accused a famous person of assaulting you, so let's just all pretend this never happened"? Or, "Well, it looks like he got out of the country before we could arrest him. Oh well" Throws up hands/shrugs comically? Because I'm pretty sure that those

I remember that as well. I wish I didn't know it - it's taking up valuable brain space that could be used for storing more useful information - but it's in there.

I really feel for these people - I'm sure that losing a child is unbearable. But they're going to make themselves nuts if they keep responding to everything that Amanda Knox does. And if the British tabloids are calling them up asking for a quote about everything Amanda Knox does, well, shame on them.

I imagine Ron would be down with lobster. I can't back that up, it's just a gut feeling.