
Maybe if we didn't live in a perpetual media spin cycle where nobody ever hears about the good things he does (which are mostly passive, slow-motion changes that push changes in the right direction, but don't have a shocking immediate effect)... but the media is all-too-happy to tell everyone he plays a few games of

Interesting page. Doesn't even come close to adding up to the "trillions" of dollars people claim is the "national debt" though. And in the grand scheme of things, I don't ever recall having to send loan payments to China to pay down this "debt". The relatively small amount of money I pay out of my paycheck in taxes

No, you still need to re-elect him into the office again. He doesn't just get a ration of "existing votes" just because he's sitting in office already. He still needs enough votes to beat out the opposing party. There's just as valid a reason this time around as there was the first time. He's still got to make up the

What debt, you mean that imaginary "deficit" thing so loudly touted by armchair economists with no idea who the "debt" is even owed to? Right, that thing. Meh. Rack up a few more trillion, at least we might be able to get our manufacturing jobs back from China that way. Or just keep running our dried-up economy into

I think you've missed the point a bit. See, personally, I can't afford anything of, near, or relating to "audiophile" equipment. Maybe second-hand. Once it's blown out. 10 years ago. Then I can pick it out of the junk pile and solder it back to life. I'm that guy that fixes the shit everyone throws out, I know a fair

This article would make sense, if I even had an alternative to a "fake digital life"... the fuck else is there? Going *OUT*? In this godforsaken city? Fuck that noise. Blue guy in a red city in a blue state. Nobody here is worth a shit. I find much more excitement in debating politics on Facebook than I ever have

Ah, now it works... also... *whoa*. That's a beauty of a beast. O_O

Let's try that screenshot again.

Good job on the site explosions there Giz... what, a whole year later, and the site still doesn't work as intended? Images are linking to "[assets]"... I mean, I've seen broken links that link from, say, a page at site.com/articles/page.html to "example.com/details.htm" and end up relative-referencing to

Ah, Samsung. Pioneers of the "let's see just how slow and bogged down we can make modern technology". My Samsung blu-ray player has a slew of neat features, but it's so unresponsive it sometimes feels like my remote is encased in a time bubble of some kind. Or, in the case of "loading", like I might have to get up and

One better, how 'bout my '87 Fiero? Strap it to the roof, maybe... :P

Congratulations Visio, you developed a tablet that looks exactly like every other tablet out there! What's with all the fapping going on in this thread? No, I'm serious - there is NOTHING new about this design... what, they put square-cut edges instead of round edges? OHMYGOD! WOW! APPLE BEWARE, WE HAZ A NEW VIZIONARY

Good point. But it's still illegal if it was done with fraudulent intentions (that's called "fraud"), like *knowingly* writing a bad check. The people doing it, knowing it was a bug, knew they were exploiting a flaw and were requesting money they didn't earn... and yes, I'm the same person that, just an hour ago, went

Because, as the linked article stated, the "bug" (which really wasn't even as such) simply allowed people to do something that's done by accident thousands of times a day: spend money they didn't have, putting their account in the negative. The article says the ATM bug simply was that the ATMs were in "standby mode",

Nyum, yes yes? <3

F-16s are the single sexiest aircraft in existence. No competition. Especially not from bombers. Or other fighters. Not an F-22, F-35, F-15, sure as hell not an F-18... NOTHING can touch an F-16 to me. Maybe I'm weird, but it's just such a uniquely beautiful design, it just IS the perfect aircraft.

And four lights, evidently.

One I took myself... drooldrool.

Wikipedia image, but one of the best ones I'd seen... (grr, is this not posting? [upload.wikimedia.org] )

... moar ...