Workplace charging. Workplace charging? Workplace charging workplace charging workplace charging workplace charging. Workplace charging! Workplace? Charging. Workplace charging, workplace charging.
Workplace charging. Workplace charging? Workplace charging workplace charging workplace charging workplace charging. Workplace charging! Workplace? Charging. Workplace charging, workplace charging.
Wow, this thread is old af. Never got to see all these spicy (ha) replies. Yeah. Sour and hot to me are nothing but mouth-burning - spicy is just pain, sour is just like an acid eating away the skin of my mouth. That’s all it is to my tongue. Give me sweet over sour any day. ANY day... and yeah, 5-odd years after this…
If you already have a 64C and a 1541, all you need is a USB to IEC converter - and I bought a Teensy (2.0 required, not new/older) to do that with and the OpenCBM suite (newest beta required).
Eh, unless the battery is super-hosed (which is unlikely thanks to Nissan’s capacity warranty, only recently starting to expire for 2011 Leafs), 40 miles is fairly implausible. You could easily get 65-70 miles out of nearly any used Leaf out there - if you keep it to 55 on the highway (use cruise, unless it’s a…
You probably came to the comments hoping for the info_hash for the original torrent.
Actually, it doesn’t check the light sensor - my old tablet didn’t even have one, but it still went dark at night - it even knew when I was going through a tunnel and auto-dimmed! It seems to do it based on the clock, mostly.
NiMH batteries are actually a different voltage from lithium batteries (about 1.3V for NiMH/NiCD versus 3.6-3.7V for lithium), which is why lithium-ion AA batteries simply can’t exist without fairly extensive DC-DC converters built into each cell. Rechargeable AAs (NiCd/NiMH) are close enough to non-rechargeable…
Exactly this. You can use a 5A, 30000mA (yes, that's 30A) power supply at 5V - or, specifically, attach your phone's USB connector directly to your PC power supply's 5V rail - and it would charge and operate normally and safely. (in fact, internally, many PC USB ports are wired just like this - if just through a fuse)
Actually, the Leaf's interior heating (as I drive) is generated by its own entirely separate heating loop with a separate set of coolant. The cooling system for motor/charger/controller ("inverter") is looped together, so all the under-hood heat (or lack thereof) moves in unison. If it were to heat the car, it'd have…
It's water cooled, and since there's no idle heat production, the only heat occurs during the hard acceleration (or when it's laying down said torque). Water can absorb a LOT of heat, too - as a good example, we use a huge water tank to test EVSEs in our shop at 10kW, and when it warms up after 10-15 minutes of that…
Try 4 independent, unconnected motors. Tesla's finally brushing what Mercedes did in the SLS AMG Electric:
I'm not entirely sure is run by Hiren himself... personally, I maintain my own relatively popular (but apparently not popular enough to make this list) Boot CD, called FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD - based in part on Hiren's but designed to be much more robust and practical (including MiniXP at its…
I totally understand. It'd be unfair if you just popped it in there because the editor decided "hey, I like this one too, so F the hivemind". :) If you (or anyone else) gives F4UBCD a try and writes an article on it, it'd be the first time that actually happens (that I'm aware of), and it would TOTALLY make my…
I should give you a hug <3
Excuse me, but just how didn't FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD make this list? If you've got Hiren's in there... how exactly could you overlook F4UBCD? Some details: - that's the latest released version, v4.5 - but v4.6 is just a week away…
I guess you missed the part where Apple issued a patch for it.
Personal Identification Number Number. That's what's wrong.
Noticed the differentiation in the specs between "Li-Po" and "Li-Ion". Any battery technology expert would smack you on the wrist and say "no". The batteries in _all_ - and I mean all phones today - are single-cell Li-Pos in varying sizes. That's where the EV revolution took place - by making them so small and so…
Why? because Russia, of course.