
Seriously. We have F-16s. Dunno why we keep pouring more money into something that can never reach what's already been established as the universal benchmark of perfection. See, you don't want an F-16 to be stealthy, and that's the thing... the enemy just needs to look at it, and they'll be staring at it, in awe at

@Spoony Bard: Pretty much this. Though it does go to show Microsoft just how much people don't like stylized search pages. Maybe Bing will change as well...

@HAZman27: Christ, at least have something nice to say about it. Here I am drooling pages of love for the thing and all you can do is zip off a quick little sentence?

@luchelibre: Take it from someone that's been working with Windows internals since Windows was just a DOS application. XP and above handle virtual memory allocation just fine without a page file. Saying it causes crashes, or doesn't improve performance, is only a half-truth carried over from the Win2K days when

@HAZman27: Not that hard to figure out... and let's see here: F-16 vs F-22, F-22 has better avionics, F-16 is far sexier. F-16 vs F-15, well, F-16 was built in response to how kludgy and inefficient the F-15 is, so that's pretty much not even worth the comparison. But if you need it pointed out, F-16 is still far more

Scareware! So that's what we call McAfee. Fits all those traits... hmm.

As long as by "caches", the article is referring to "page file", then sure! One hell of a good tip for SSD users. If you're an SSD user, and have your page file on your SSD, you're essentially trading read-write memory (RAM) for Flash ROM (which is actually its full name, by the way! Read-Only Memory), which needs to

@HAZman27: I can't even argue with an idiot, but I swear to god. That's the same as saying a perfect circle is ugly. It's a logical impossibility, at least, for someone with a sane mind. Perhaps you should check into a place that has a cozy padded room.

@Windcape: A third-party extension folder has to be manually added to the registry in order for Firefox to "just pick it up". Flash, Java, and Silverlight are all "added" to Firefox (often via registry locations), not just magically available. They can be made magically available by being placed in the Firefox

That... that is mind blowingly beautiful. And yes, the music was absolutely perfect too, IMO. Sets up the tone perfectly. Holy crap, this guy is amazing...

@HAZman27: If someone doesn't come by here soon to balance out yer trollan' with some not-so-trollan', I can assure 'ya, there won't be much left of your face. Pray hard.

I win.

@thinkthis: Except carrying it around, and taking it anywhere it would be *painfully* awkward to carry. Believe me. I've tried. It sucks ass. "Hey, check out this cool new thing I just built!" *tries to contort laptop screen to point at said object* *can no longer see friend* *points laptop back up to see friend's

@violent peas: Probably anyone that doesn't consume Gizmodo in possibly the most elegant way: in Firefox live bookmarks. (Because quite frankly, I hate my news being force-fed to me in a "read/unread messages" style format, or in an all-feeds-in-one "combined" format, like most readers seem to do)

I highly doubt someone was like "Ooh! Yes! Let's make a post about a screw! POST IT!"

@powerpunk: I've got an electric scooter that uses regenerative braking. Pretty familiar with the concept. But that's nowheres near the same principle.

Windows uninstall "tool" isn't a tool, and calling it a "tool" just serves to promote the misconception that such a "tool" (like Revo Uninstaller) can actually do more than Windows can. The truth is, Windows just lists the actual uninstallers for each individual program, and invokes them accordingly. If you click

@Mariblanka: Yeah, speedbumps and inclines too. But there's no place to put that energy it makes up... I mean, other than back into moving the car up and down (the only thing it's connected to), which... correct me if I'm wrong... doesn't really save/consume any energy ;)

Love to know where it's putting that energy, in order to supposedly improve fuel economy. *BS meter is off the charts*