
But that's not why the Chiefs lost. The offense could not possibly have been the problem. The Jamaal Charles' injury could not possibly have been the problem. The problem? LOSING A TWENTY EIGHT POINT FUCKING LEAD. A defense leakier than your daughter at prom night in the second quarter. A defense so bipolar it makes

Well, it's a good thing Kansas City can let this loss roll right off its backs and not have it hanging around daily until Royals season starts. Yep. Nothing like forgiving and forgetting... tomorrow is a new day... Oh fuck....

Are you serious? Those are some serious charges you guys are leveling here. I mean, a sidebike is one thing - but that mileage thing can land you in Federal pound you in the ass prison.

So excited that Tim could land on his feet.

White man once held us captive, too.

You forgot the Chris Berman ones.

Russia hasn't been funny for years. I can't believe people still watch that crap.

Is Magary like that towel snapping jerk that walks around the office giving everybody nicknames? Because he seems like that to me.

Stay Sassy, America's Sweetheart Julia Roberts

India investigators really weren't that surprised when it was found that Jenga Construction was involved in the buildout of the stadium.

Not sure how that disqualified Griner. He's certainly an important sports figure to consider.

When you talk about a Santa fight (and we all do, you know, we all do) that was a good Santa fight.

You're totally wrong, he only said "Jay" hawks... you've completely misunderstood him.

Welbba JBbbee, daddaba beebacuzaba Peybbon Mannba dibba paddaba toodaba outabbasiddaba. Backka to youbba J. Beebba.

Pretty weak blocking, wouldn't ya say?

Lance Armstrong is jealous.

Well, they also have rules against murder - but you don't see Aaron Hernandez paying attention to THOSE rules.

Where's the GET IN THE HOLE!!!!! guy??

Well, it's not blood splattered, but I suppose it'll have to do...

Nice... nice... so the new robot can win at rock paper scissors... WHY DON'T YOU BUY US ALL LUNCH THEN, ROOKIE!!!!