
I love your color scheme, and just discovered my mother apparently has an aversion to red flowers at weddings. Not sure what the deal is, but can you share photos of your flowers? So I can see what this color scheme looks like (and maybe win my mom over?)

That sounds totally awesome actually. I guess I understand why people were upset but it just sounds like fun.

“MIL was able to embarrass herself in numerous other ways at the reception.”

My late husband and his best man were in charge of transporting the liquor and the wedding cake to the hall before heading off to the church. They very carefully filled the trunk of the borrowed Lincoln with all the booze, then gingerly set the cake on top.

Really a potential disaster. My mother in law offered to make our wedding cake for us. A nice offer, but fraught with potential disaster from the start. Problem 1: My in-laws live about 10 hours from where we were getting married. We don’t live there either, so when I asked about how she was going to make the cake, I

Thank you!

UMMM. . . So where’s the baby?

It’s worth watching just to see that cop doing an unnecessary somersault in the beginning of the video. Army Ranger he is not.

I haven’t been able to muster the personal strength to watch the pool video yet. I just don’t know if i can handle another video of cops being violent assholes to a bunch of teens.

I think what one considers to be the most horrifying tells you a lot about a person. Clicked expecting bodily functions, got stories of personal violation and shame. Am now a little disappointed in myself for thinking the former is what I had considered to be most horrifying. Good on you, Pinkham.

I used to work for this company, and I was put on “fat probation” twice. Once was January 2nd, they didn’t give me a chance to try on a larger kilt and told me they were “worried for my health” and that they “just wanted me to “be healthy”. I went from a size 2 to a size 5, still MUCH smaller than the average U.S.

End of the year teacher gifts are serious business. This year I have to gift a 3rd and 5th grade teacher, plus a student teacher in my 3rd graders class, a band teacher and the band teacher’s student teacher. Well, I don’t HAVE to, but I do because these people have put up with my kids all goddamn year.

If I was a parent at that school I’d bring her a bottle of vodka.

...to up my end-of-school teacher gift game.

I firmly believe that all Back-to-School nights should feature at least one ritualistic slaying of a busy-body parent to set an example to the rest of them that they can fuck right the hell on off and stop thinking that public schools are your personal daycares for your kids.

as they’re “still in the process of getting in contact with the parent who saw the posts.”

“If teachers were honest with report card comments: Jimmy continues to be an (expletive). I would like him to stop being an (expletive).”

Well she did use Pinterest, which is terrible.

I hope they notified their Alberta Works caseworker to let them know they were leaving the country for a vacation.