
I just lost my pet guinea pig last week. About $200 was spent in my bid to save him. So I fail to see what we're supposed to be laughing at.

it's like they weren't even trying. using two awesome accomplishments as an insult? what?

Doraemon is awesome though.


=) Well you can have that lifestyle but it can be anywhere.

Guinea pigs! Yay! I'm still sad over my little Moo's passing the day after Xmas.

I like your idea, just stay up later

I love these videos. Seen similar situations in Iceland, Sweden, Canada, and New Zealand. But that's basically a who's who list of the best countries on earth so...

In Sweden, Netherlands, etc, the street signs indicating childcare use male and female figures.

Somewhere out there, Knope sent you a wink

These people seem like douches. Now that the Upper Millennials are about ~32, they've reached prime young parenting age. Which means soon, if not already, our social media feeds are gonna be flooded with photos/captions of ~*Epic Parenting*~ and embarrassing borderline emotionally abusive pics of their kids going "I'm

they sound awesome! =)

It so depends on the grade and variety of item. Higher end cashmere socks and/or ones with cool designs, justifiably pricey bar soap made with lavender when my favorite smell is lavender, and a delicious chocolate bar from Germany are eons apart from a 10 pack of Target socks, a mall lotion basket, and a Hershey's bar.

Ha, thanks kid. Wait, New England is like that? That's disappointing since New England seems like the most pragmatic and educated region of the USA. Like if it were a country it could hang with the Alpine countries like Switzerland. "This is why we can't have nice things."

I see History Channel made a whole show off the "Mainah Bro" only they're older.

I'm a (stable) Florida man, but the Florida basic pegged me, pretty much.

European countries have drinking ages from as young as 16 for wine and/or weaker beer, and 18 for liquor etc. That non-puritan, non-sitcom dad style heavy-handed approach seems to pan out better for them. This study discussed would be more useful if it followed up on these kids when they were say 16, then 18, then 22.

just look at them all spooning, with the awkward gray fuzzster facing the wrong way :DD

Really glad I'm not in your family. The letter is clearly lighthearted and further in no way implies she doesn't want to talk to her relatives.

*blush* smart girl powa!