I'm with ya, but this show was awesome.
I'm with ya, but this show was awesome.
Ahh. People. We can help save this place. I shared this on a Facebook page I help run with 14,000+ fans.
I'm a legislator, not an executive. This supposedly real lw can take her issues elsewhere.
Yeah I hate that annoying ass sexist phrase
I mean, at least he wants women to be actualized humans and not helpmeets? I'm trying here.
The cover is adorable! But not at all congruent with a book containing legal advice. Stupid publishing house.
get out me car
College student from Florida and my job is net-based. Unless it's a steakhouse or the club it's flip flops for me.
There are worse things to be known for right? Personally, I've always found the almighty boobs to be overrated. But if a girl can flex them it's way cool.
Tom Kha Kai soup hell yes. Miso too
This may be terrifying, but Florida is the most advanced southern state, unless we still count Virginia.
But the dog IS really a pirate. That's all that matters.
Hey that idea seems legit at least.
Oh please, Duchamp bought his urinals (right?)
I've seen a clip of this buttmunch decrying to guest McCain that electing Obama will erode the "white male christian power structure." Then he has some nerve to trot out the chestnut of Obama's election meaning there's no longer racism.
I was liking this show, but this week's episode was sexist as hell. I couldn't believe the tack it took.
Biases indeed. Why do you deem it red-alert bad if a male is using uptalk?
Cursed be upon me for being a night owl, for this is an awful article to read at 2 am. The worst part, to me, is the countries flat unwilling to help. The gross Tea Partyeqsue PM of Australia indicated the country will not be sending any staff to West Africa.