I'm assuming they meant Facebook, otherwise yeah hell no haha.
I'm assuming they meant Facebook, otherwise yeah hell no haha.
One time, I took a friend from a rural area shopping with me in an Indian supermarket I frequent. She, nearly audibly, said "omg we're the only white people in here!" That was some shit.
A couple semesters ago I was in a class with the only white person being me, an older white guy, and a white-presenting latina. Somehow, when it came to group project time, the three of us wound up in a group together, almost unconsciously. Well, I stayed in place considering who I wanted to work with, and they both…
I am white, took a white friend along to hang out with my black/dominical friend and her girlfriend's family, who is black. The white friend of mine "didn't see it coming" and was terrified upon being the only white person in the room besides me. Her reaction was weird but not surprising.
do I get a pass being a sassy and cute bi boy that calls everyone girlfriend? *bats eyes
Well, we've already had people mail chicken pox lollipops or something like that. I think it was done by the stupid anti-vaxxer losers.
My school started at seven freaking twenty-five. As a night owl by genetics, I was late every day and eventually given detention by my somewhat stickler business teacher. She let me go early and did not put it on my record since she realized I was a chill A student besides lateness.
Seriously, make all k-12 9-3…
Oh, you're a sexual assault victim? What, do you want a cookie or something?
And like how in the states, we name our Mongolian and/or "Pan Asian" grills after Genghis Khan. Cause to us, he's this badass fighter we learned about in 6th grade and not a genocidal freak. I s'pose that's how Hitler is viewed in Thailand perhaps?
By the by, Taiwan is decidedly not South or Southeast Asia. It's a…
Definitely a weak link of Europe. I've seen an acronym floating out there, that denotes Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain as the "PIIGS" of Western Europe. It's mostly due to economics but could also pertain to the high religiosity and corruption.
Li Shang also skipped leg day, come now
And what's really some shit is no female characters were included in the ~*BoYs*~ line an Mcds. We can't have deviant boys doing math with Princess Bubblegum OH NO
I'm kind of torn on Alberta. It seems established that it's the most conservative Canadian province, but isn't that like being the poorest billionaire?
So it's like Animal Crossing minus the cuteness and animals.
Lena's hair WAS awesome, but wtf is this??
Pigs, sheep, and cows can hang in any cuteness contest.
You got it kid. It's tough being the one to say this; the responses range from defensive disbelief to tarring and feathering you with their eyes. Based on a lot of metrics too long to hash out right now, I hold up the Nordics, Benelux, and New Zealand as the examples we all should follow. Honorary mention to Japan,…
This story interested me solely for the pig.
This so reminds me of Animal Crossing
This is a travesty! President Obama needs to send the Feds to Ferguson to take the town back from these thugs!*
*and by thugs, I mean the Ferguson/St. Louis police