
What a joke. These types of things are so disappointing and ruin otherwise awesome games.

I could barely READ that without glazing over. You need a vacay kid.

Yeah, I remember thinking to myself, "What is up with this??" I definitely did not nap, in fact my favorite activity was staring at the night light and blinking which made it appear to be citing lasers.

Yes, someone else gets it! It's not "laziness" or poor time management. I can keep up a morning pattern for a week or so, then I inevitably cycle back to a night schedule. More extreme than you even, like 6 am to noon.

This is what results from victim blaming. Thank you for putting yourself out there to share your story.

Holy flying shit! So is that creep doing hard labor on Pitcairn Island yet or what?

I live in Florida but like it. The weird news reports are terribly overdone. And, scary as it sounds, Florida is the most developed Southern state unless you found Virginia.

What a cutie pie with that pink face! :D

No context so I'm ambivalent cheering for her. But she is WICKED strong

Glad I'm not the only one who does that! Also, holding it more upright but covering the camera with your other hand.

This is, what? I don't even. In a slightly related anecdote, my 6th grade geography teacher was awesome. She had a picture of Bill Clinton on the wall, and was very good about teaching about races and other countries.

haha is this real??

This is awesome! The out and out MANDATE that women wear bras due to "decency" is utter crap. The illegality of "toplessness" is absurd as well.

This one looks like mini Totoro!

hehe what is that from?

Yeah, these people definitely have that smarmy, smug west coast vibe about them. Two of my favorite aesthetics/cultures are minimalist though (Japanese and Nordic).

As someone who gets askew looks for my insistence on catching/releasing insects, this headline made my day. Thanks Maya!

I just randomly started watching regularly a few weeks ago, and I've been elated ever since! #teamjulia

She seems like pleasant company.

uh, NERDS ROPE, hello.