Is that law still on the books or enforced? As it stands, Finland has civil unions and marriage is coming any month. Plus, the public overwhelmingly supports lgbt equality.
Is that law still on the books or enforced? As it stands, Finland has civil unions and marriage is coming any month. Plus, the public overwhelmingly supports lgbt equality.
Is that really still on the books or enforced? As it is, they have civil unions, and marriage is coming any month actually. The public overwhelmingly supports lgbt equality.
Why hedge? It SHOULD be illegal. Let the libertarian types cry their crocodile tears and buy Sealand with bitcoins.
Go Denmark!
Cadbury eggs are the best holiday candy EVER. Sadly it's getting harder to find actual holiday candy instead of the same usual bars in fun size big bags.
I grew up in the 90s and early 00s and milk was definitely big in my family. I always hated it except chocolate milk, sort of. It wasn't forced on me though. Now I don't touch the stuff, in fact it makes me sick.
Tampa here too. Pretty legit, well the South Tampa Douchebag specimen anyway. Anywhere outside of South Tampa and it's much better.
Ahhh this guy is such a dick my teeth itch reading it. "A country succeeds at taking care of itself, therefore women don't need me and my dowry money!"
Red, Wild, and Blue should be code for bigotry.
It is such content, curious chubby white creature.
Poe's Law... help?
I'll volunteer for your presidential campaign :)
Keep on being amazing!
Wow. This really made me sad, partially because I have a four year old guinea pig next to me happily munching on hay.
Unfortunately, restaurants like this represent the prevailing culture in the U.S. There's really no need to defend them. This lady is awesome though.
Yes exactly. Such a tired trope here, everything is "value," quantity over quality.
4/5 would boop
Best one yet!
+1 for Canada and beating me to swatting that asking trope down.
Fuzzy socks FTW