
It’s not going to be the Aladdin we know and love. This is very much something different. But the spirit seems to be there, and that’s incredibly important.


I don’t think it’s that intricate lol She’s blonde in Infinity War bc she’s on the run and needs to “hide” her identity. I think it’s why Cap has a beard in IW.

I’m more amazed that with half the planet being killed, there’s still time to find a tailor to make new outfits for the team. I guess branding is important regardless of the situation.

We are all here for MoHawkeye

Some of y’all just need to calm the fuck down about spoilers. What did you think he was just gonna be stuck in the quantum realm the whole fucking time? It’s not a spoiler to show that something that obviously was going to happen happened. Same with the Tony thing. Oh yeah they’re going to build up this whole heroic

Yea, clearly half his hair was decimated. Time for payback, Thanos.

Well, I mean, once you get the moon out of orbit, Titan’s gravity does all the heavy lifting

The very first Kree we see in the MCU, Korath the Pursuer, is not blue.

As tremendous as his performance was in Mad Men, goofball Jon Hamm remains the best Jon Hamm. 

Major in English Linguistics.

It’s legacy lingo in the industry. Even though most content is delivered via hard drive or satellite, people still refer to them as prints all the time, especially people who have been working in the industry since the 35mm days.

Well, you haven’t seen the Frog Sisters yet, you really have no business telling anyone whether the change works or not. Why should they want or need to replicate the movie exactly as it was? The Lost Boys is hardly a sacrosanct work of high art. Considering how things have turned out for the original actors who

I’m curious why you get to speak with authority about what diversification means?

I ran that comment through google translate and got back:

I mean every show ends eventually, do you not watch any show that isn’t still ongoing? I imagine JJ probably will have a tighter ending seeing as its had longer to prepare for this.

The fact that the closest analogy you could find for reports of sexual harrasment is reports of sighting a non-existent creature is...just wow, dude.

It’s 40+ direct accusations. It doesn’t take into account the many others who aren’t speaking up. I was one of the volunteers in the Florida anime convention circuit in the 2000's and friends with about a dozen others who volunteered as well - we covered AFO, Metrocon, Megacon, Jacon - and personally know two people

here are eight movies

In what world is The Wizard of Oz and the Maltese Falcon scifi?