
Out of some 40-odd screenwriters with credits on MCU movies, only like 5 of them are female, and every Marvel movie has at least one male screenwriter that contributed.

You know, for all of Lucas’ flaws, putting an ass-kicking princess with agency in his space opera instead of a pretty, helpless damsel-in-distress type was pretty forward for the time. I don’t know if we give him enough credit for that. I mean, before that, what did we have? Barbarella? and what, maybe Uhura?

Absolutely not the same. What’s happened here is stupid. However, making a game about an existing game, regardless if you charge money for it, is a legitimate threat to revenue streams. Particularly if you’re a stupid company that has lost its way and has a very real threat of being outshined by a free game of your IP

I mean... she’s already used her powers to have her handcuffs in exactly the right place to break them via a stray bullet. She doesn’t just see things before they happen, she tries to track down / investigate her premonitions. So, a) a costume that provides protection is handy, and b) a costume that provides anonymity

Jumanji doesn’t count, since it was based on a book about a fictional board game, not on a board game itself. Clue I’ll definitely give you, but that’s why it’s only a “general rule of thumb.”

While I agree with the sentiment there’s really not a lot you can do to check facts when a paper publishes an interview with someone, because the only two sources that actually know anything are the interviewer and the interviewee, and in this case not many people can get into direct contact with The Rock or even a

I got to the “action” or “more action” choice and turned it off instead of choosing. I like boring movies, okay? >_<

I enjoyed the experienced game creator’s (Colin?) acid-fueled monologue about Pac-Man, though.

The Prowler was absolutely terrifying. Which is hard to do with a man in a purple cape.

It took me the longest painful minutes to figure out that I was hearing Chris Pine’s voice. He would say one or two words that would remind me of other movies then I was off trying to ‘zoom out’ of those movies to remember what they were. Like if he ever uttered “spy(!)“ I’d just laugh because that one is too obvious.

I think I’ve finally figured out how to make peace with the fact that Sony made a Venom film in which Spiderman doesn’t appear at all (until the end credit reference to the Into the Spiderverse).  The setting of the Venom film is in the Spiderverse, and Venom IS the Spiderman (equivalent) of that setting!  Yep, that’s

First question: Why Alchemax and not Oscorp?

I think an obvious next avenue is go with a Spider-Gwen film along with a Miles standalone. Being the two most popular alternative versions of Spider-Man. Before doing a Spider-Verse 2 introducing Spider-Man 2099 as the dimensional ringmaster as his line at the end “okay I’ll go to the first one” was both a joke but

Loved it. So. Much.Fun. Of course the downside for Marvel is, between this and Venom Sony’s NEVER gonna give this property back.

He’s “The Mad Titan”, not “The Logically Consistent Titan”.

He’s not supposed to be a particularly sane individual. Contrary to how some perceived him in the original, this is a bad idea!

Tony’s transmission is through an actual Iron Man helmet, which he didn’t have in Infinity War as part of his nanobyte tech. That makes me wonder if that sign-off happens at the end of the movie, after they’ve won and he presumably has a piece of “old tech” since they’ll likely be traveling back in time.

Ummm, I have some bad news for you about Asgard

they’re fun, they’re cute, they’re cheap, they have some for every fandom, and my kid loves them.  go to bed old man

Especially with the name “Car-Ell.” I mean, that’s not even trying to hide it.

Because Chewie refers to a character from a rival studio’s franchise and Goose… wait a minute!