They’re paying money for name actors. They want people to know those name actors are in the movie.
They’re paying money for name actors. They want people to know those name actors are in the movie.
I don’t see Fox giving her the amount of control that she’d require.
And Scott Lang, the ex-con who tried to follow the rules when he got out, got screwed, and then spent a movie trying to steal technology away from someone who wanted to sell it? Yeah, despite the humorous hero worship it’s presented as, Scott’s position is obvious.
But they can retire from using them. They were even given that option.
It’s so hard to tell the crazy arguments defending BvS apart from the mocking of the crazy arguments at this point.
What could Hank have done? He’s an old man whose body was put under so much strain using the Ant-Man technology that doing it again would kill him.
I don’t see why they’d change it from the comics. Now, whether they just go with magic flower or avatar of the Panther god is another question.
Right, but you can see through chain link fences.
I was gunning for him to be young Indy and Taron Egerton to be Han, but I can live with this. Still on board mostly due to Lord & Miller.
Unobtanium, besides being an actual concept used in engineering, totally fits with how lazy we name elements in real life. “What, you discovered it in Berkeley? How about Californium? Already taken? Berkelium it is!”
Objectification, or appreciation?
T’Chaka is T’Challa’s father...
I think he started remembering it when the writers actually decided that was what was going on, and introduced it that way.
I thought it was just that he doesn’t remember being in the other dimension?
I feel like this is the first time I’ve seen it actually mentioned who’s playing T’Chaka. Nice to finally know.
Because usually a lot of thought does get put into them. Just because they’re outlandish doesn’t mean they can’t have internal logic.
That shit’s real, man!
I don’t see why they would. Marvel doesn’t need the X-Men so badly that they’d bring that continuity in.
The ground is a wood platform that is a separate thing from the electrified metal fence...