
I’m alright with them tweaking his powers. Make it line of sight, whatever. Changes are one thing. Making no damn sense is another.

That’s because he teleported onto the fence instead of to the other side.

He travels into a parallel dimension to ours where time and space operate on different principles, moves in that one, and then re-enters ours.

I can at least buy the box because it shuts off his awareness of the world around him or something like that.

Sneak up on him and drug him, I suppose. I’ll buy that he can get trapped, although it’d be quite difficult.

If only that fence had some kind of holes that he could use to see through to the other side.

Someone want to tell me how they’re keeping a teleporter trapped by a fence?

Snyder only directs a few of them, not all of them.

The difference is that the X-Men movies are doing well.

fantasy tale with supernatural elements.

Or a freed slave being Freeman. Or a guy who’s a blacksmith being named Smith. Or a carpenter being named Carpenter. Hunter named Hunter? This could go on all day.

I’ve only made one comment...

I do believe that was the joke.

She got an Oscar nomination for a Feig movie.

I mean, First Class ended with her leaving with the character that is Nightcrawler’s father, so...

I say Mads is playing Lor San Tekka, the younger (the character played by Max Von Sydow at the beginning of SW7). I’m in the ‘Felicity plays Rey’s mom’ camp.

I mean, she’s a performer, not a fencer. She’s supposed to be showy.

So did he close his eyes and blindly pick the things to put in it? Because otherwise it’s not random.

Yeah, a Bug’s Life doesn’t necessarily fit, but there’s lots of nature in the designs of the park, so it doesn’t stick out. Same with Cars, because they already have a sort of road and traveling vibe in the park.

Even if those are incongruous, they don’t feel out of place, though. And the Toy Story ride is boardwalk-themed, and there’s lots of famous boardwalks in California, so that fits.