

Oh puh-lease. You can shop just about anywhere you want. So can I, but I don't pretend that I'm not lucky to have that option. Attitudes like yours are the problem!

Well, I didn't really plan on sleeping today anyway, it's cool.

Seriously! I get a bump bigger than that if I eat bread. Or salt. Or milk. Um, food.

Would agree if that movie happened. That movie DID NOT HAPPEN!!

Is it just me or does the pup on the far right look like he doesn't really hear it, he's just doing what the other dogs are doing?

Hahahaha, I've never said that but I have been known to shake my belly at my man!

I got my "baby bump" before I hit puberty, is there a special name for that? I also hold things (*gasp*) and have indecisively-sized boobs (*the horror!*).

Firemen may not be burning our books, but we value television over reading. Bradbury spoke about it in this article. http://tinyurl.com/mwa9aps

I think it is foolish to assume that such a complex behavior evolved from just one, single selection pressure, even if only looking at one species. So anybody looking for one cause is doomed to fail.

I feel like you made the username 'dickmove' just so you could post this comment.

Calm down there, Satan. Let's not overdo it.

I like monogamy. For me, it works. I am in a long-distance monogamous relationship and I never feel as if I want to look for something else or as if I'm missing out. I like being with only him and I can't see myself being happy if the arrangement were any other way.

Why get this weird persecution complex when like, 99.9% of humans agree with you? Go anywhere, and there's someone that shares that thought! I don't think Jezebel is oppressing you or something, come on.

So, hating Olds, napping in the truck, stealing mail (a federal offense), and the general "I have no idea what I'm talking about statement" were not the biggest deal? The bra thing was?

If teens hear about something, they'll feel compelled to try it. This is also why abstinence-only education works so well.

Yes, because developing games means you are literally required to be insulted, mocked and treated like trash on a daily basis like Phil is.

I sincerely hope this was just a test and Janiyah's family is going to tell us we passed because we were able to tell two little black girls WHO LOOK NOTHING ALIKE ASIDE FROM BOTH BEING TWO LITTLE BLACK GIRLS apart.

I knew there was something fishy about this guy:

Yeah I dont get why its suddenly so awesome to laugh at others pain. I mean a couple jokes, semi-april foolness, where no one gets horribly hurt and/or covered in disgustingness or whatever — that's fine. But, slamming people upside the head with full gallons or ruining their day then getting confused as to why they