
If someone did this to you, I see no reason you shouldnt just go crazy-go-nuts back on them. Throw the jug, she-hulk force, at their junk— see how they like it. I think the whole 'its funny' thing as far as this bro is concerned is just the out-of-no-where painness(?) of it all? Here's the girl sitting here and

My thoughts exactly. This isnt funny, its cruel. LOLZ I GAVE YOU A CONCUSSION WITH THIS JUG. I SO HILARIOUS. #INTERNETWIN

I'm going to see this later tonight. Slightly better than Origins and way better than Last stand is enough.

I'm have such low standards for X-Men movies which is great because they were my favorite franchise growing up (the comics don't make sense to me know as an adult) so I really enjoyed Last Stand (even though it

I know one way the new movie HAS to be better...

Is there any surprise? No because FOX is involved. They need to give the rights back to Marvel.

This is what happens when you venture beyond the internet. You encounter people who actually engage in that mysterious activity known as "reading books."

No doubt. He deserved worse that he got - though I'm sure the plague will get him. I loved the first one and can't wait for this one.
"Ceasar is home."

If I was in Transformers 4, I'd keep it secret too.

i'm with you. it took my best friend 3 years to work up the nerve to kiss me. we're celebrating our eight anniversary next month, and next summer we're getting married. i'm glad he took the chance, but we were terrified of losing our friendship.

Also this one, though not Star Wars.

What, you mean they didn't actually film this in space?!?!?!


This comment (she is beautiful) is on every post that has to do with infidelity or childbirth. I find that interesting. Largely because her looks shouldn't matter. Un-gorgeous women don't deserve to be treated like this, either. Ditto for un-handsome men. Her gorgeousness has nothing to do with the fact that her

This comment section is why we can't have nice things...

It’s going to be an absolutely male film.

Yeah, I was shit on by girls in my teen years too. I was also shit on by guys, for the same reason. It doesn't give me (or you) the right to shit on anybody else now, especially since we're (presumably) adults.

If you go after someone for being a "fake geek" you're a jerk. You're as big a jerk as the archetypal football captain who bullies the chess club members. If people say they're a geek and don't meet your criteria, they're either trying to find acceptance or you're trying to exclude people who you don't find to be

What about the video posted above made you think that this was a relevant image to post?

That is quite possibly the stupidest picture I have ever seen in my life

That Jar Jar guy always cracks me up! And isn't Chris Pine a great starship captain!?