
I fricking loved nazi zombies when it first came out. I still play der riese once and while, it was always my favorite. But I haven't played zombies since black ops because I was so let down. Though I did like the one " call of the dead" . Are these even fun anymore? Also I always thought they should have allowed you

God any field where people are incapable of taking care of themselves their are always sad, sad stories. Nursing homes, hospitals, schools for the disabled. I use to always say " why do these people pick these jobs?"

Once went into a classroom during " nap time" because I had heard way to much noise, but none from a teacher. SHE WAS ASLEEP. I literally made a scene like you would not believe and she got fired. Im my honest opinion she was not napping out of just exhaustion. I have heard and seen some horror stories, just like in

its the same, just obviously not as grammatically correct. You have the right idea. Actually I guess the way I write it, it almost means the opposite lol. But what I meant was they care so little, it would be impossible to care even less. Thank you for your comment it made me laugh, at myself, which is awesome.

I no longer work in the field, as penny and I said there is indeed a high turnover rate. For the most part, but not all of them, daycare teachers are younger. Honestly I do not know if I would even have the energy now. I went on to work in the trades, and when I would hear people complain I would laugh and say " You

That would be most amusing to watch.

I want to call these greppers. Because the are kind of shaped like chili peppers. We can get into business together and sell them to other people that were turned off by their likeness to eyeballs.

I wrote that in my comment. It was my first statement in the sentence about parents. Also my comment was solely about the role daycare teachers play in the development of children. And it was directed at penny's comment, one which I misinterpreted and have apologized for reading it in the wrong context.

Alright then I am sorry I misinterpreted your statement. Which was worded in a way that I assumed what I assumed. Which is easy to do when a lot of people think so lowly of the field.

I worked at a daycare for a few years. I made crap money and spent most of my time splattered with at least a little poop/vomit. There were some really great appreciative parents, but there were also some rude jerks who could care less. For the most part the job allows you to feel good about what you're doing because

It has him, elba and hiddleston !!!! What are we as humans supposed to do ??? Ill need to bring napkins to clean my drool.

You should have just wrote Literate VS Illiterate. JK JK. No but seriously this could be used for like a billion other examples.

also i was referring to his last paragraph.

I should just go back to my ways of posting the definition of feminism in bold letters and calling it a day.

The people you see being sexist are not feminists, they are confused morons who for some reason call themselves such and have indeed done damage to the idea of equality.

Omg I barely got involved in that today bc I don't have it in me but the responses I did get literally proved my points ! I was like OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS. There is one you need to see its sad/hilarious/literally proves my point ! But I do not know how to link comments i dont think? Anyways yes I to needed the turtle

you know we are so getting married someday, I just have not told him yet.

First of all you just proved my point. I was not talking about anita, I was speaking about the people that ignore the video and just comment about feminists being evil and etc. Its like you ignored the point of both Stephen and I's point. Also learn the difference between a period and a question mark.

See right there shows me you do not have the ability to argue a topic civilly. To say that all feminists are zealots is low. I would link you to civil discussions I have had with other commenters here but it would be pointless, because the only care you have is to be angry, even if its unjustified.

I really appreciate you posting this and encouraging people to actually view something before they comment or pass judgement on it. Though it is pathetic that you even have to post such a comment. I have found myself at times defending this site and its commenters, explaining that the good is overshadowed by the bad.