
You last sentence is really not a smart or educated move. Had you wrote that zealots on both sides are equally as detrimental, well then you would have a point. Otherwise even if you state something worthwhile before hand it is completely negated by such a comment.

What the fuck...all of these but esp the last picture make me wonder a lot of things.

O M G ! Bless you for being a better person than I ! I fear how I would have responded to that women. Also the fact that you can wear a 6 or 8 is awesome, congrats on your banging bod, don't let that SUPAHBETCH get to you obvi she has self esteem problems of her own and is also socially handicap. I would definitely

seriously what is up with that. You would think once that stuff touched air it turned into lava.

you made me laugh out loud and I enjoyed it.

I played battlefront 2 for hours on end in my garage with my brother. It is one of my favorite multiplayer games ever. Sooo many hours lost.

wow could have been amazeballs. What a wasted opportunity.

wwhhhhaaatttt? I had no idea of any of that

Im not going to lie, I enjoyed this movie until the end where is was like Fuck bale.

have you ever heard of some one grabbing their belly with two hands centering their belly button in the middle and going " Who wants a bagel". I used to say that, now I just grab it, look at my man and remind him that he is so lucky, he didn't just get a bagel he got the whole damn bakery !!!!

I have a friend who is just naturally fit. Bitch does not work out yet is a size 2 on a fat day, she has been known to say that she doesn't get the point of the gym when you could just work out at home. I just feel like yelling that smiling and eating nutella while you watch mob wives is not exercise. GAAAWWWD I hate

this had all left my mind. strongbad emails !

Thats better than what i have, a fat belly, empty of teh baybayz.

I am not sick of zelda. After twilight princess I had hoped for another more adult link, fighting a darker story. Though I have banished those hopes now bc not only do I not see that happening but also my money will most likely never go to a wii u.

Im hoping it will be like orange is the new black. First episode I was like, shit I need a life bc i'm wasting to much time watching stupid shows, then second episode I was eh fuck it i got nothing better to do, then bam i was hooked.

I still have mine, played pokemon red on it this February on the drive for a winter get away.

To each their own. If you live some where with the power to choose, than choose what or who makes you happy. Be it monogamy or not, and pay no mind to societies judging eye. The second you start making relationship decisions based upon the "norm" or what ever your peer group dictates correct, well then you're fucked.

I found the high heels stupid, when she was riding the bike i just wanted to fucking scream " OOo come on ". I also just never really bought her for the role. Its not necessarily her fault, I just felt like the casting for the role could have been better. Like at the end at the cafe or when they kissed it just seemed

her how to get a ready for a date video is awesome.

rock it! who cares BITCHEZ TALK SHIT CUZ THEY JEALOUS. honestly as long as you feel comfortable in it, it will look good. Its like lipstick is a self fulling prophecy. May i recommend more of a lip stain though, they last well. Yves saint Laurent makes nice ones.