
you need to be careful with certain dry. shit is no joke. apply a very small amount if you're going to use it. Also would recommend not using everyday, maybe go every other. Watch out for signs of inflation, redness or a severe itch. Some people have really bad reactions. That stuff is really strong. If anything use

Did you get to see him near any buildings while he smooshed the monster?

This made me laugh.

Dood i acknowledge that its fucked and im totally not cool with it.Also I noted its not like the jackass crew was doing it to randoms aka people not involved. It is just what came to mind first, like as if wondering aloud if this is where the kids got the idea from.

gawd I hate kids not matter what generation, they get this mentality like omg people are laughing I have to laugh to. Or its funny bc it wasn't me ! Like the cake video where the girl is crying and her female "friend" is all " geez jess calm down like lolz its funny, gawd go clean yourself up your'e so embarrassing

I would also like to say that kid looks way to in to slamming that girl with that jug. Like what a fucking DBAG.

I feel like I would literally not be able to control myself, getting hit in the face is and should be one of everybody's least favorite things. What is funny about what he did to this girl. Where is the video of it happening to him, and him laughing like " lolz my face hurts ."

I was thinking of the rocky, which involved a boxing glove and water. Nor did I think they were doing it to randoms on the street.

agreed that one got to me.

Is this like the thing from jackass? I would literally wind up going shehulk on some one if they did this to me.

I like bald men.

yes a billion times to the gambit rogue story !!!

Hmmm.....intriguing. especially considering I hated origins, literally left the movie mad at myself for seeing it. I blamed my brother because he always seems to pick movies I hate, but when I pick movies we both,usually end up liking them. If you look at my other post you can see I have 0 expectations of liking it at

OMG SHOCKING ! my day is ruined.

or if you have like seen a movie before. Just saying.

I feel like This is the opposite position of many people.

what is up with the whole she is pretty there fore she is out of his league thing. I hate that sentiment. If you want to say she is out of his league because of what he is doing that is fine, but even then you are not part of their marriage, you have no idea what is said/ done behind close doors. I have no idea how

I think at twelve I would be buying way cooler stuff the candy and pastries.

I was going to say voldemorts brother is in this? Tell me some one noticed the similarities ? at 1.59 in the trailer.

didn't joss whedon specifically say loki would not be in avengers 2? I mean i suppose even if he did say that he could just be throwing us for a loop.