
DITTO ON EVERYTHING YOU WROTE. seriously i love this, and holy crap donna fantasy come true!

Im with you. Bean bags and rubber bullets can be deadly. It was not until that night that I understood why my mother would always say to beware of crowds, crowds are not safe for so many unfortunate reasons. I was sitting on the fire escape doing an overnight a volunteer program in kenmore and I remember thinking this

OMG there was a 911 emergency episode like this i watched as a child and have feared ever since. Obviously my fears have not been in vain.

This makes my stomach turn in a way that I can't even verbalize. It's one of those moments where even though I am not in that good of a situation for me personally I am like " O shit i'm reading this on my computer in my safe apartment wearing my gym clothes eating hershey kisses and drinking lime perrier."

No thats what I mean. The actual tagging of something being for "zombie hunting". I am well aware almost every weapon ever has been "nerfed". Though I will be adding that cross bow and sword to my collection of this I use to attack people in the apartment. Though none will stand up to this

I can't believe they did not think to make this sooner, also I want this, All of it. Especially the sword and crossbow

Fart yoda...yes, yes i like it.

Terrance Howard i knew but i had no idea about taye diggs?

I laughed at the things you typed.

I did not hate it. Did not love it. actually can really say how i feel about it. But he is awesome.

I believe I remember hearing king was really pleased with this end compared to his own. It's also crazy how many walking dead cast members are in that.

For me its the village

I think anonymity is part of the issue, but to me a large part is how we are all raised. I can tell you how many times people say things like violence in video games, the children omg their virgin eyes/ears/minds, and i'm all like hey lady/dude why are you letting your ten year old play this shit if you do not fucking

I really think this is a huge problem with gaming in general. This is why I had to stop playing with randoms on xbox live and psn. also I do not want to come off as if i'm ignoring your point, you are correct. Look at the way Patricia Hernandez has a legion of devoted haters. Its just that it goes deeper and back to

as a female gamer myself i really loved last of us. especially the parts where a female character sacrifices her self so that the other female character can make it to her destination. I also really like when i did play as ellie, i also like playing a joel. In general i loved that game. I loved that if it hadnt been

I agree with you I have had some wonderful conversations on kotaku and there are a good number of female readers out there, also a good number involved in TAY. But there is also the opposite but thats due to gaming in general that is not just kotakus problem.

I think its more that the site is a window into the bigger problem which is gaming.

wow I am immature beyond belief. i giggled at red rumped tarantula. I will have to look into watching this movie.

No one ever know's what I am talking about when I describe it. One of my all time favorites.