
I do not know why I saw this movie, you would think after signs and the village ( why ripley why) I would just stop putting myself through this.

you could not be more spot on.

seriously every photo. so awkward.

I can't explain to you how hilarious I find this, I just literally laughed out loud. This made my day.

Sometimes I find myself very worried about they way the "law" works. It confuses me when I see people that need to be jailed for monstrous and heinous crimes walking free and then people who do not need to be locked away in prison, which is then in turn forever turning them into a criminal. very confusing.

They are very deceptive, the go in your tummy as one pancake and then expand to three. Since I like to eat two large yummy blueberry ones, it's like they expand to six in my tummy and then I don't feel good :(

I saw that movie on showtime or hbo one day and could not finish it. He's writing a book. I used this link because it made me laugh.

awesome comparison, very spot on.

I am down with everyone in this except the guy who plays ted in HIMYM. That guy annoys me more than hang nails. The only reason how i met your mother was watchable and caught on so well was due to the rest of the cast.

seriously that was my first thought.

John Murphy's 28 weeks later original theme music

listen call me crazy but as of lately i see a resemblance between him and ricky gervais. like as if beckham is gervais' younger hotter half brother. CALL ME CRAZY BUT I SEE IT!

I did not like the wolverine movie so therefore I have no urge to see the next wolverine installment. Be it a sequel a prequel or whatever I just can not jump on the bandwagon.

Just get them out of the friggin prison !!! GAWWWD ! Listen I have given up on being truly impressed with this show, granted its still better then a lot of other crap out there, but just get them out of that prison, kill off all those extras they picked up and get a move on. I am well aware this is not going to be the

I originally did but for some reason with each trailer I find myself less interested. I can't really explain why.

wow my spelling was atrocious in that last comment. Yea I thought he was well cast, just in general something about him irks me. I actually really like all the casting, except norman reedus should have had more screen time, also if he was naked during it would be really great.

I believe that the market has changed, and that the type of people who will put up with the shit that comes along with seeing a movie in theaters has changed. I no longer want to pay to go to the movies and leave pissed almost every time because of the people I wind up being seated near and the lack of decent service.

I would like to add that at home I do not have to deal with morons who will not shut up.

People always make fun of me for owning this but I enjoy. Though I don't think I like dennis quad, just in general.

You are right I just IMDB that to see and you know what I think they look alike maybe...ahahah maybe not I don't know.