
Yea saw it when it came out but just recently got my man to watch it on netflix. I had totally forgotten that matthew mcconaughey was in it.

The scene is just longer that is all, and shows other engineers dropping him off, or saying goodbye or how ever you want to put it. Other than that I don't think any of the deleted scenes were that different from the movie.

Have you watched the deleted scenes? Because I found that the deleted opening scene's would have made more sense then just the lone engineer breaking down into the water?

also thank you for clarifying that

wow how the fuck did I miss that. Most likely because it had been quite awhile since I watched alien but thats embarrassing.

Somebody please explain if I am wrong but this does not line up with prometheus and It really aggravates me more then any other part. I don't know maybe I am missing something but he gets out of the ship and follows shaw into vickers area...correct?

It really sickens me that some body can do this to another human being and enjoy it.

Well take my recommendation you could also hit up Yosemite and Mono lake at the same time since they are all somewhat close makes for an awesome trip if you can fit in the time. Yes modern ruins are fascinating. Let me know if you ever have some recommendations !

Selling my Dreamcast is something I will never be able to forgive myself for.

Im pretty let down the whole crying when you poop thing is not true, it sounded very interesting. Due to the size of where I live at the moment this would have to be like Do not leave your house.

No wompatuck state park bunkers. Opposite side of the country :( But If you lived in cali did you ever go see the ghost town Bodie? Because due to lack of funding and a pulling out of state support I do not believe it will be around much longer. It is a lot of fun and well worth the creepy drive. Literally depending

what has happened to her is sad because lets face reality here, her parent's pretty much sold her.

I agree. This movie was quite the let down for me.

In general I just love the modern ruins articles. I love checking places like this out. Near me there was an old grouping of abandoned army buildings that I have got some wonderful shots from. Unfortunately they have mostly been demolished for safety reasons. Also use to love danvers mental hospital. It scared the

Its like you did not even read what I wrote. I said upset, which it clearly has,I did not say they or I can not handle it. Debate is welcome but I really doubt that is what you were looking for. If you notice it was not your first post that I felt the need to respond to, I actually responded to some one else I though

I would agree you do have a very good grasp because here you are on a site dedicate to feminism and you are going out of your way to judge women on what they do with their bodies. I can not think of one good reason to start all of this here. Granted you are indeed entitled to your own opinion just as I am entitled to

How many people here have to say they're contraceptives failed for you to understand! There is a reason no birth control can say its 100% affective all the time!

For real I do a better job making the spaces next to my a.c's cat proof. And really I don't even like my other half's cats that much.

Honestly I agree with you. There is nothing sadder then witnessing the upbringing of a child who is nothing more than a burden for their parents or caretakers. I worked in daycare when I was younger and I saw many scenarios that broke my heart and left me feeling totally helpless towards them. I tried hard not to take

I honestly believe that most of these anti abortion opinion's stem from ignorance, brainwashing and lack of education. It is rare that a women would get an abortion past twenty weeks, where I live 24 is the cut off. But there are exceptions and reasons behind getting one at that point. I have seen both sides, the